The Journey Starts

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Just wanted to say that I planned out the next five chapters. So, if I decide to stick to my plans, then next chapter will be jammed packed and crazy.

Anyways, this chapter will probably mess with your emotions. You will still enjoy it, but it won't be so much of a 'plot' building chapter. With that being said, I hope to get a double chapter done this week. If I can, then that would be awesome. Anyways, PEACE.

(Dream Realm, Aerutheal's POV)

"Well, alas our hero's meet. Say, Cresselia, when do you think we should tell them their task?" A male voice asked aloud. A female voice then replied, "I think we should hold off, I mean, they just met each other." The female voice replied.

The male voice agreed, saying, "I suppose you're right, it would be better to hold off."

The female rolled her eyes, saying, "Of course I'm right, I'm always right."

The male voice smirked widely, saying, "Is that so." The female looked to the male, eyeing him intently, then slowly started nodding her head. "Yes, I am."

The male looked frightened and quickly nodded rapidly, bowing down and saying, "Yes, always. I was just kidding."

The female looked satisfied with his actions, and returned back to her original state. The male looked relieved and said, "Although, I don't think we should hold it off to much longer, considering the fact that our enemies have already acquired a time chasm." The female voice nodded, heading toward a sofa of some sort.

The male walked away, heading towards an open door. He walked in to the door, only to then quickly walk back out holding two slices of pizza. "Hey Cresselia, you must try this. The pokemon on earth call this 'Pizza'." The male walked over to the female, who was sitting straight up on the couch.

"Pizza, is that what it's called." The female said looking at the cheesy delight. The male nodded, taking a rather large bite of his piece. The female looked curiously at her slice, examining the slice closely. She then used her psychic powers to levitate the slice, then slowly moved it towards her.

"Well, alright then. I will try it." The female slowly took a bite of her slice. As soon as it entered her mouth, her eyes widened, and she quickly took more small bites until it was completely gone.

'Well, back to whatever weird dream this is again.' I kept watching the two, not being able to approach them, due to a barrier of some sort. I could see them, hear them, but I couldn't interact with them.

This is the second time I've had this dream. The beings keep on talking about hero's that are supposedly destined to save our world. It makes no sense at all, but apparently they seem to care about it a lot.

I looked around, only to find that I was surrounded by nothingness. Everything around me except for dead in front of me, was nothing. In front of me were the two figures, and there seemingly endless place. Nothing made sense, nor had it the first time I had this dream. I continued to observe the two pokemon, listening to their conversation as if I were right next to them.

"So, we know that we have one lost chasm, which leaves us with exactly 3 left. Regardless, as long as the one that was taken from the hero isn't broken, we should be fine. Plus, we still have 3 left just in case if it does break," The male said, thinking carefully.

"Okay then, maybe we shouldn't hold off to much longer on informing our hero's about there role. I mean, we don't want things to get any worse." The female chimed in, her voice ringing throughout the abyss.

Luck or Fate (Gallade and Gardevoir)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ