The Sanctuary

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     This chapter won't be as filling and informational as the last... I promise. Also, I went back on the chapter yesterday, and it said that it was 1,847 words long. I already had five people who read it, and I hurried up and fixed it back to its 4,457 words that it was supposed to be. So, if you were reading that chapter and it didn't end in the authors note in bold, and seemed abnormally short for a chapter of mine, go back and give it a look. Because it should've taken like 19 minutes to read...

    So, go double check that you got the full chapter... ENJOY

      Life was supposed to fun, easy. Not a life filled with fear, hurt and anger. It seemed that with every good thing that happened, something bad, much worse took its place. Lucian had already gone his separate way, this feeling of depression striking him hard. He sobbed, weeping about all that he had lost. Team Rocket had taken so much from him, the most important thing of these his brother. His little brother and him had joined Team Rocket, along with both their parents. One night , at his parents request, they were split.

     Lucian, who was a Riolu at the time, didn't want to go. The last thing he remembered of his little brother was the screaming, the cries of desperation sounding between them when their hands were forcefully ripped apart. Lucian hadn't seen him since that day, and ever since then he has vowed to get his revenge. A few nights afterwards, his mom made a slow creep into his new room, sharing the news that little Rio had been killed. Lucian remembered the sound of his sobs, the sound of his sadness radiating all throughout the night.

     He still to this day remembered the name of the man who had killed Rio, the Ralts known as Project Beta. Oh how he hated that name, hated that stupid pokemon who had done such a thing. Why, he had asked himself. Why did such an innocent pokemon have to die.

     "It happens to everyone..." His mom had tried to cheer him up, hiding an even darker truth within the situation. "I'm sure your cousin Flance will be just as good..." Lucian couldn't believe his ears then and still can't now. His mom, the one who had given birth to both of them, had just compared someone to Rio. 

      "NO!" Lucian blindly struck and struck fists atop fists at the female Lucario, and she caught each of them. "Such a brat..." She kicked him in the gut, hard. It was a thing that happened at Team Rocket to control everyone. They were all some kind of twisted family, where you had to enforce discipline. It was all so messed up, something Lucian could only see now that it was said and done.

      "Must hurt, huh?" A voice rattled him out of his thoughts, his teary eyes turning into ones of anger. Epilson dropped down, this time no gadgets or any sort of obvious weapons on her.

      Lucian immediately jolted up, taking a defensive stance. He was not weak, no way would he lose again. Epilson laughed to herself, standing still. "The pain of a lost relative... now you see the pain you've caused!" Epilson took a step nearer to him, and he growled warningly.

     "I don't know what you're talking about! Take another step and you'd wish you were dead!" Lucian's eyes were different, not having the same carelessness they once had to them. It seemed now that everyone was changing, and now it was Lucian's turn. Epilson had a hint of anger in her eyes, vengeance striking her nerves.

      "Words can't describe how much I hate you... You killed MY brother and I will kill YOU!" Epilson stopped instantly, letting her words sink into the atmosphere. Lucian was fed up, fed up with the lies she was spurting out.

      "I clearly told you to not make another step... and you took another step!" Lucian rushed at Epilson, a blind haze flowing across his mind. Epilson was actually a bit shocked, putting her arms up and taking the blow.

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