Second Chance

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    Alright... until I can get the ideas and time to work on "Volt and Frost", this is my main priority. I haven't given up, no not at all, I jut really want to work on this one for now. I'll get right back to that story as soon as possible... I promise. 

     Also, due to my Constant demands for the "romance-full" touch on my story, I ended the last chapter that way. I feel as if that was way to rushed, and way below me... So from now on, no more of that random, uncalled for garbage. Everything will be built up, you just have to be patient and appreciate other things besides just the lovey dubbey stuff... Anyways, enjoy.

                                                                     (Ancient Realm, Kara's POV)

     There it was again... I let him play with my emotions. I'm not a soft person... Why, I'm the opposite. Although I no longer desired to steal, attack, or do any cruel thing to others... I'm still not soft. 

     But... around Aeru, I was different. I wasn't so... difficult. I felt like I could open up a little, like I was... safe. 'Safe', a foreign word. I still questioned it sometimes... Was I really some sort of hero? Although I wanted to believe it, that I had a purpose, but the more I took it all in, the more it seemed so... distant. 

     As I embraced Aeru... I sensed his sorrow. He was sad. I sensed his regret, his anger... it was almost saddening. I felt guilty almost, for I was in the wrong too.

     This time, I let it happen. I let time fade away, as I locked his neck with my hands. After we pulled away, we looked at one another, our gazes locking. I began to find a small smile forming from the edges of his lips, the same smile I'd come to adore so greatly now. 

     "No more fighting, OK." I nodded in agreement, and together we returned to the duo. They were seemingly still stuck on this topic... and it took a bit to snap them out of it. Cresselia smiled, while Darkrai sighed. 

     "You guys Okay now..." Aeru looked at me, and I smiled dimly. "Indeed we are..."

     "Good to hear... You guys want to go back now." Again I nodded, followed closely by Aeru. 

     "Great... Ready Darkrai." Darkrai seemed distant at first, but nodded after a few seconds. At the sway of his hands, a mist began to envelop me and Aeru, and a snap later, we were gone. 

                                                                         (Ancient Realm)

     "Cresselia... Did you sense that." Cresselia seemed confused, tilting her head to the side a little. 

     "Sense what?" Instantly, as if on cue, an orb from the chamber shook. Cresselia floated over towards it, the orb beginning to glow. 

     "A power surge, possibly?" Darkrai followed pursuit, and hovered beside Cresselia. 

     "Let's take a look... it could be important." Cresselia and Darkrai did just that, tapping into their powers to look into the mysterious orb. What they saw shocked them, the duo sharing concerned looks. Inside the orb was a boy. Although they didn't know to much about the part of the Earth he was from, they had seen this boy before. His father, being possibly one of the strongest fighters there ever was to live, was standing next to a beast, two finger positioned on his forehead. 

     " Dad?" The boy questioned, staring at his father and the beast. 

     "Gohan. Take care of your mother for me, I love you." And with that, the stronger man and the beast were gone. The boy reached out his hands, his hair glowing Yellow and his power pouring out. 

Luck or Fate (Gallade and Gardevoir)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang