Chapter 50

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(Brittany's POV)
As Sam and I eat our dinner, I decided to call Jc and see how they're doing with Hunter. I pull out my phone and dial Jc's number. The phone rings three times and Jc finally picks up.

"Oh. Hey Britt! How's dinner?" Jc asks, he's breathing heavily which is making me nervous.

"Hey. How's Hunter? Is he behaving?" I ask, taking a sip of my water.

I hear rustling in the background and breathing.

"Y-yeah. He's fine. Uh, when are you two coming home?"

"Um. I don't know, maybe in about an hour or so?"

"Okay. We'll see you guys then bye!" Jc hangs up before I could say anything.

"Well that was weird." I sigh and eat more of my food. Sam looks up and raises his eyebrow.

"Jc hung up before I could even respond."

"Weird. Well I don't know but as long as they didn't loose Hunter, we're all good."

(Ricky's POV)
"Jc! Did you find Hunter yet?" I shout down the steps, looking through Brittany's room.


I sigh loudly and look in my room. Just in case the little bugger decided to crawl in here.

"Hunter...come out little buddy." I look under my bed and everywhere else.

Where the hell did he go?

(Sam's POV)
I paid the check for our dinner and Brittany intertwined her hands with mine. We decided to take a small walk around.

"I'm so glad we went out tonight." Brittany kisses my cheek and smiles. We walk towards a little park and sit on a bench. We hear street performers playing their instruments.

Brittany stands up and pulls me off the bench. She wraps hers arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around her waist. We start slow dancing to the music.

"I love you Sam." she sighs, laying her head on my chest. I kiss the top of her head and rest my chin on top of it.

"I love you too Britt." I smile to myself.

We slow dance for a couple more minutes when all of a sudden thunder starts to rumble in the sky. Brittany looks up at me and grabs my hand so we can go back to the house.

(Kian's POV)
My phone vibrates in my back pocket as I look for Hunter. I look at the caller ID and see Brittany is calling.


I click the answer button and hold the phone up to my ear. I take a deep breath and speak into the phone.

"Hey Brittany! What's up?"

"Hey Kian, we're coming home cause it started to thunder outside and we don't wanna get caught in the storm." Brittany explains. I nervously run a hand through my hair as I look around the house.

"So, uh...what time are you guys gonna be home?" I ask.

"Probably around 8:30."

"Fuck." I mutter but not quietly enough.

"What? What's the problem?" Brittany asks, panicked.

"Uh, nothing. Perfect! See you guys when you come home. Bye!" I end the call quickly and run around the house. I look at the time and see that it's 8:20.

"GUYS! Brittany said that they're gonna be here around 8:30! It's 8:20!" I scream. I start tearing everything part to look for the kid.

"Hunter!" I scream.

Jc and Ricky run down the stairs and join me by looking through everything.

All of a sudden, we hear thumping coming from the lower cabinet in the kitchen. Jc, Ricky, and I make our way over to the kitchen. I kneel down and open the cabinet to see Hunter covered in chocolate from head to toe. I look back at the guys and chuckle.

"Well, look what we have here." I smile, picking Hunter up but holding him away from my clothes. Hunter giggles and holds a piece of chocolate up to me.

"No. I don't want it." I smile. I look at the guys and start to walk towards the stairs until we hear the door open. Brittany walks in with a smile on her face until she looks at us.

"What happened?" She asks, crossing her arms across her chest, raising an eyebrow. Sam stands next to her trying not to laugh.

"We...uh. Um...well, we went outside and Hunter started to play in the dirt." I made up a story and the guys look at me but then nod in agreement.

"Yeah. We were just playing outside and little Hunter here, got himself all dirty. We were gonna go give him a bath." Ricky explains.

Brittany smirks, looks at Sam and then looks back at us. Sam chuckles and then speaks.

"Well, since you guys were gonna wash Hunter, then can you guys put him to bed? So Britt and I can just hang out for the rest of the night." Sam asks, wrapping his arm around Brittany's waist.

"Sure but don't fuck loud." Jc mutters and then smirks. Brittany's cheeks turn a light pink and hides her face in Sam's chest.

"Whatever. Thanks guys." Brittany comes over and kisses the top of Hunter's head and walks up the stairs with Sam.

The Ricky, Jc, and I look at each other then down at Hunter.

"Alright, who's gonna wash the kid?" Jc asked. I put my finger on my nose and look at the guys.

"Not it!" I yell.

"Don't pull that shit. We all have to help clean the little guy." Jc mutters. I march up the steps with the guys following me.

We make our way into the bathroom and strip Hunter down to his diaper. I hand Hunter to Ricky.

"Your turn." I smile. Ricky closes his eyes and takes off Hunter's diaper. I quickly turn on the tub and place Hunter in it.
We dry Hunter off and dress him in a pair of footie pajamas. Jc puts Hunter in his crib and we all sit in the room until he goes to sleep.

(Brittany's POV)
I lean my head on Sam's shoulder as we watch "The Notebook" on the tv.

"I don't get why girls like this movie." Sam complains.

"Cause it's a chic flick. Anyway, I'm gonna go check on Hunter and the guys." I say getting up and closing the door behind me. I quietly open Hunter's bedroom door and see Kian in the rocking chair, asleep. Ricky sleeping next to the baby crib, and Jc snuggling with one of Hunter's stuffed animals. I smile to myself and close the door quietly behind me.

I walk back to my room and lay next to Sam. He looks Dow at me then back at the tv.

"So how are they?" he asks referring to Hunter and the guys.

"Hunter is asleep in his crib, Kian is asleep in the rocking chair, Ricky is asleep next to the crib, and Jc is sleeping with one of Hunter's stuffed animals." I replied. Sam chuckles and snuggles his head in my neck. I wrap my arms around his waist and fall asleep to the sounds of the movie.

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