Chapter 17

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(Sam's POV)
I felt really bad for Brittany. That Justin guy really needs to back off. I can't believe he beat her. 20 minutes passed until Andrea and Lia came downstairs from talking to Brittany, so I decided that I would go check on her.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and check on Brittany." I say walking up the steps.

I walk into her room and see her sleeping peacefully.

I didn't feel like going back downstairs so I wrapped my arms around Brittany and fell asleep.

(Brittany's POV)
I wake up and start screaming because someone had their arms around my waist.

I got up and Sam sat up and got out of bed and hugged me.

"Shh. It's okay. It's just me." I started crying. I hugged Sam as tight as I could.

Sam sat me down on my bed and comforted me before we went downstairs. After I calmed down we went downstairs.

When we got downstairs the guys were watching a movie.

"Where's Andrea and Lia?" I asked. I actually like having some other girls in the house than just me.

"They went home." Kian said looking up from his phone.

All the boys looked at me concerned.

"What?" I ask

"Are you okay? We heard screaming upstairs." Ricky said.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I looked at Jc and remembered we were supposed to do our video yesterday.

"Oh my god! Jc we forgot about doing your video. I'm so sorry!" I say sitting next to him.

"It's okay we can do it today." he says smiling.

"Okay. Let's do it now!" I say running upstairs. "I'm gonna go get changed for the video."

"Make sure you ware something that you don't care if it gets messy!" Jc yells

Uh oh. I don't want to get messy.

I grab a white t-shirt that I didn't really ware but I kept my booty shorts on. I re did my messy bun and headed downstairs to where Jc was sitting with plastic wrap all over the floor.

Jc smirked at me and told me to sit.

"So what we're going to do is we are doing a Q&A with a twist. I have a bunch of plates and I have whip cream. I ask you a question about me and if you get it right you don't get whip cream to the face. If you do get it wrong I have to put whip cream in your face, and then it's the other way around."

I nodded and smiled.

"You have 10 minutes to come up with 10 questions. Got it?" he asked

I nodded again and went to come up with some questions.

After I was finished I came and Jc started the video.

"What's up O2l?! Jc here! And this week is reveal week! And this week I have a special guest with me!"

I jumped next to Jc and said "Hey!!!"

Jc laughed and said "This is Brittany if you haven't already known! We adopted her a couple days ago. So today we are doing a Q&A with a twist. Behind us we have plates filled with whip cream. I ask Brittany a question and if she gets it right, nothing happens. But if she gets it wrong, she gets a face full of whip cream." Jc said laughing.

I was not ready for this but here we go!

"Okay. I'll go first!" Jc says

I nod and he begins.

"Brittany. What is my dog's name?" I pause a little bit. I knew the dog's name because I remember Jc saying it this morning.

"Uh..wishbone!" I say and Jc nods. My turn.

"What is my middle name?" Jc pauses and looks at me like I have three heads.

"Marie?" he asks.

"No! It's Lee!" I yell while grabbing a plate of whip cream. I throw it in Jc's face and he starts laughing so hard I thought he would cry.

"Alright next question. What's my middle name?" he asks smirking.

"Uh. John?" I ask closing my eyes.

"Hmm. NOPE!" Jc yelled throwing whip cream in my face. I laugh. We do more questions and then we are covered in whip cream.

Jc does his outro and smiles when we finish the video. Sam comes over to me and laughs. He puts his hands around my waist and kisses me. When he looks at me whip cream is all over his face which makes me laugh even more.

I go to the bathroom and wash my face off.

I go to my room and check my phone.

Corrine😊💕:hey!!!!! I'm 20 minutes away from the house can't wait to see you!😝💕🎉

Shit! I totally forgot that Corrine was coming today.

I make a group chat for the guys to feel them that Corrine was coming.

Me:hey guys! I know it's stupid to do a group chat but my friend from the orphanage is coming and she's gonna be here in 20 minutes😬😓sorry for not telling you earlier😣I'll apologize later. Just plz try to clean the house up! Thanks😘~Brittany

Kian😈:Got it! But I'll get back at you for not telling us sooner😏

Connor💁🏼📸: I got the kitchen🍾And what Kian said👊🏻

Sammers❤️😘:got it bby😘💕😚




I looked up from my phone and opened my bedroom door. The boys were getting to work.

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