Alluring In Blood -10

Comenzar desde el principio

        “That’s enough now.” Jason ordered roughly but Zorya barely looked at his direction. I frowned in confusion trying to make sense of all this. “Audrey is busy.” He repeated coldly.

         I bristled slightly as the words sunk in. “Audrey can talk for herself and it’s just clothes how long could it take?” Zorya smiled smugly and Jason looked betrayed, I felt guilty so I quickly added, “It’s fine, Zorya just needs measurements that won’t take more than an hour, go rest I’ll meet you later okay?”

        Jason looked defeated as we walked past him leaving the clearing. I looked back and noticed him fading away mocking a salute in my direction.  “He’s always been defensive with friends, no need to worry darling.” Zorya assured. If it wasn’t said so bitterly I might have not worried.

       What happened between them? The hate Jason sparked for Zorya was brighter than the ones I could have produced for Zorya. They didn’t seem like a love gone wrong, neither was Jason the type to pick fights with others for amusement.

        I felt silly asking Zorya especially since I wasn’t used to us being together without glaring or snapping bitterly at each other, so I made up my mind to ask Jason instead.

         “I’m really sorry for how I treated you.” Zorya apologized quietly as we trotted through the dense forest occasionally snapping twigs and scaring away the peaceful animals. “I just…you did nothing wrong and I was just being rude.”

I remembered her words. I will never forgive you. “It’s fine…” I mumbled. Was I confused? Yes.

        First, we seemed destined to be bitter enemies now Zorya is apologizing and well…yeah that pretty much causes confusion itself.  “Here we are cupcake.”

        “A...cellar?” I asked skeptically. A cellar rose slightly above ground, looking creaky and rusted. “Couldn’t you just magically appear them?” I tried grimly,

        Zorya looked at me with a slight smile, the taunting kind. “Afraid not, what are you scared?” I narrowed my eyes and curtly nodded towards the door. “Open it up then.” My mind was screaming to run away, I pushed past it and squared my shoulders.

       Dust emitted as Zorya magically opened them with a wipe of her hand. Darkness appeared and nothing else. I raised my eyebrows questioningly. “Come on in,” Zorya took a step onto an invisible step and continued down until I lost sight of her.

       “Right…” I chanted under my breath nervously. I let one leg in and let out a sigh of relief when my leg touched the invisible step. Suddenly Zorya appeared behind me grinning wildly just as she appeared the step disappeared and my leg gave away that I was half in the cellar clinging to the edges trying to not fall.

       “Bye bye princess,” Zorya whispered before kicking me that I banged my head into the jagged edge. My grip loosened as she let out another kick and soon I found myself facing her with the wind screaming past me as I continued to fall.

        Everything turned slow motion. I raised my hands trying to grab anything but air. My hair blinded me occasionally as it scattered around my face, Zorya closed the cellar door with a loud bang shutting the light that I clung too in hopes I wouldn’t fade over to the darkness.

         I didn’t expect to die like this, I didn’t expect the fall to seem endless. Headmaster Selman calling me Alice popped into my mind made me wonder if he know if this was my death, so similar to Alice’s fall down the rabbit hole.

         My head spun dizzily but in darkness, I couldn’t count on anything even when my eyes perfected themselves to night vision. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes giving up.

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