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It was dark when Cain woke up. That was the first strange thing he noticed, followed quickly by the realization that he shouldn't be awake at all. His entire body ached dully, but it looked just like it always did, which was the third strange thing. When he looked around and found himself in a hospital, he decided that there was nothing about this that wasn't strange.

His gaze landed on Kasey, fast asleep in the bed to his right, and he couldn't help but frown. She was a mess. She had dark circles under her eyes, even visible in the dark, and the hair of someone who'd been sleeping for weeks. 

He recognized everyone else in the room, all deeply asleep. A clock on the wall showed the time to be 4 AM, and he decided to wait for someone else to wake up.

It was a long few hours.


The first thing Kasey saw when she woke up was an unfamiliar ceiling over her head. She remembered where she was almost immediately after, but it took her a moment. She turned to look at Cain out of habit, freezing when she saw him, sitting up and looking back at her. He smiled weakly, and whatever spell had been over her seemed to break. She leaped from her bed and practically tackled him, burying her face in his shoulder.

"Woah," he said softly, wrapping his arms around her, "Nice to see you too...?"

"I was so worried," she whispered, "I thought you were going to die. Don't fucking scare me like that."

"What happened? The last thing I remember, I was practically destroyed. You knocked me out, and I wasn't supposed to wake up. And now I'm here."

She made a noise between a laugh and a sob, then said quietly, "Apparently I have a healing ability."


"I found out when my sister got stabbed, and then I healed you right after."

"With what energy? You used almost all of it in that illusion."

"I borrowed some from David."

"Is that why you're so wrecked?"

"Yeah. I pretty much cried myself out when I was finished, and I woke up for a little while, a few hours ago, before I fell back asleep."

"Cried yourself out?"

"Mm-hm. You were dead. Your heart stopped beating, and you stopped breathing. If I had gotten there a minute later, you would have been unfixable. It all sort of hit me at once. And my dad was-"

"Hang on. You saw that fucker? Did he do anything? I'll kill him-"

"Calm down. I'll tell you about it later. All I want to say now is that it kind of sucked."

"God. I was unconscious for hours, and so much shit happened."

"Well, you were unnaturally unconscious for hours, but you were unconscious for days after I revived you. So..."

"Don't you 'so' me. You know what I meant."

She laughed lightly, looking up at him and kissing him briefly.

"Can we never do this again? Please?"

"Never again," he agreed, kissing her forehead with closed eyes.

"Get a room," Evan said, awake now, and they both laughed.

Kasey had missed his laugh.

He repositioned himself so that she was lying next to him with her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and inhaled the scent of him.

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