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Seven Days Later

Molly woke up with a groan as she felt Jax shaking her. Her entire body was sore, and her shoulders, in particular, screamed in protest under his grip.

"What do you want?"

"S'time to get up."

She sat up, probing her magic stores to test how much power had reaccumulated overnight. Most of it, she noticed, had.

"Alright. Get out so I can get dressed."

He nodded, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

Molly swung her legs over the edge of the mattress, stretching her arms over her head with a yawn.

The sun was shining in through the cracks in the blinds, and she winced as she got an eyeful, closing her heavy eyelids for a second before getting to her feet and forcing them open again. The room she was staying in was small and cramped, and she banged her knee on the bedside table opening the closet every day, but it wasn't too bad. The view from the window was nice, and the bed was comfortable. 

She pulled on a light tank top and some shorts, not bothering to put on her shoes since she was just walking to the training room. The man instructing her was a tall blond who towered over her and Jax both. He had a special training space with fire-proof walls and floors, and he was nice overall. He had known they weren't going to stay for more than a week or so, and he made sure to teach her what she needed. 

She had improved when it came to putting her fires out, and the fires she started had a lot more heat to them. 

The work she did in exchange for her stay wasn't too bad either. She helped with dinners and swept floors, which took minutes, and they let her spend the rest of her days training. She adored the training. 

Ever since she was a child, Molly had hated her magic. But now she felt like it was a part of her, and she almost thought some of her improvement had to do with her sudden change of heart.

A knock on her door roused her from her thoughts, and she followed Jax down the stairs to the training room.


Molly ducked out of the way of a well-aimed spray of water, retaliating with a blast of fire that caught his clothes for a split second before going out again. They both seemed to have a silent agreement that if they needed, they could kick each other's asses, despite their holding back.

Jax splashed her full in the face with some water, knocking her on her ass, and she struggled back to her feet. Eyes glinting, he froze some water on the floor, knocking her flat again. 

"No fair!" she complained, getting back up, "My magic's no good for casual duels."

"Life ain't fair," he replied, as she ducked out of the way of more water.

"Yeah, yeah," she muttered. 

She lit his shirt on fire again, snickering as he moved to put it out. 

"You were supposed to put it out-"

She snickered, moving in on the offensive, catching him off guard and knocking him over with a sweeping kick to the shins. He blinked up at her for a moment before they both burst out laughing. He knocked her feet out from under her, bringing her down to his side, and she stopped laughing for a moment, before starting anew, holding her stomach as she did. Just as Jax managed to catch his breath, she snorted, sending him over the edge again, until they were a laughing, giggling, cackling mess on the floor. 

The teacher who'd been officiating their sparring huffed a sigh and left the room.

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