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"Well, isn't that interesting?"

Kasey looked up at Mei, whose eyes were glowing like they always did when she prophesized.

"What is it?"

"Seems like your sister isn't being held captive. She's with David."

"No! Really?"

"Mm-hm. Don't worry, she seems to have gotten herself a little boyfriend somewhere along the way. She won't be moving in on David. Though it seems like David has a thing for her boyfriend."

Kasey snorted, rolling her eyes.

"Lovely. I'm never going to catch that boy."

"Romantic troubles aside, they're fighting Cain."

Kasey's smile dropped, shifting into a scowl. 

"I don't know about now, but she was never a strong one when we were little. I doubt much has changed."

"You'll be surprised," Mei told her as the glow subsided, "She seems pretty badass."


Molly felt her stomach twisting violently, and she had to keep her mouth clamped shut to avoid getting sick then and there. Out of nowhere, she'd been overwhelmed with mind-numbing terror. David seemed to be in the same boat, if his pale face and shaking hands were any indicators.

"Aw," Cain teased, "Are you scared? Let's change that, hm?"

Molly felt a million different emotions at once, until she felt herself be overcome with grief. She couldn't stop herself from breaking into tears, and the next moment she was filled with blinding rage. She got to her feet, screaming that rage to the world, and then it melted back into a sob, then back to the terror again. It stayed that way, and Cain shifted his attention to David.

"How about we try the same cycle on you?"

Molly watched, her horror barely noticeable compared to her fear, as David broke down sobbing, then screamed, just as she had. He moved forward, before his face went pale and he scrambled backward.

They both pitched forward suddenly, the emotions leaving them in a whoosh, as Cain said, "This isn't any fun either. Let's delve a little deeper, hm?"

Molly felt a sort of tingling feeling in the back of her head, and a second later, Cain grinned.

"Well, well, well. Seems little Molly's got some emotional baggage."

Molly felt her stomach twist on its own this time, and she couldn't stop herself from saying, "You don't have to say that. Anything but that-"

"Hm... You killed your mother? Interesting."

As he said it, Molly suddenly found herself in what looked like a nursery. There was a toddler, lying in a small bed, and Molly was suddenly, sickening sure that it was her. It was late, she could hear her father snoring down the hall. She watched herself get up out of bed, looking around the moonlit room. Younger Molly reached for the window, and her hands brushed the curtains. Even as she watched, Molly felt her memories coming back all at once.

The curtains ignited, blazing up in a flash of light. Molly reached for her younger self, trying to drag her back, but her hands went straight through. The toddler screamed, running down the hall, and Molly couldn't stop herself from running after her. Molly's parents met her at their bedroom door. Her mother saw the smoke immediately, and scooped her up, giving her to her father.

"Go! I'll get Kasey!"

Her father hesitated for a second, but her mother was already running down the hall, so he did as she said and ran for the front door. Molly followed her mother, her horror growing every second, and she couldn't move as she watched her mother scoop up Kasey, barely three, and run down the hall with her.

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