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Molly woke up in what she immediately recognized as Kurta's hospital. When she was younger she had a history of injury, mostly just from being a klutz. The room she was in had five other beds, and when she looked at them, she immediately recognized every resident. Kasey slept one bed over, and Cain on the other side. Across from her, Kia and David were also completely zonked, and on the opposite side from Kasey, Evan was partially awake.

She knew the drill. She reached over to her left and pulled the cord by the edge of the bed, which would page a nurse. Evan saw her do it, and he grinned tiredly at her.

"So, you lived."

"Yep. I didn't know you were hurt."

He laughed, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, "I kinda fainted... I wasn't really hurt, just exhausted. Same with Kia and David. And you already know about your sister."

She closed her eyes for a moment but had to open them when the nurse came in. She was an old friend, Minnie.

"Ah. Molly. I didn't think I'd be seeing you around here anymore."

"Well, I think saving a town from imprisonment kind of outdoes a little house fire."

The older woman laughed a bit, before moving to check her vitals. 

"You seem to be doing well, Molly. I'll authorize you for visitors. You have one waiting."


"Just your brother. Who were you expecting?"

Molly blushed and laughed, "No one, really."


Minnie left the room, and Evan looked at her strangely.


"How many times have you been in the hospital? You know her personally, for fuck's sake."

"Don't worry, it's just because I'm clumsy."

He raised a brow at her, but they both were distracted as the door opened and Kayden entered. His brown hair was longer and messier than it had been, but other than that he was the same, and she threw back the covers, her bare feet hardly touching the floor as she ran toward him. He moved to meet her, picking her up and spinning her around.

"Kayden, oh Aglea."


She looked at him, catching his tone.

"What were you gonna say?"

"You got shorter," he teased, and she smacked his arm.

"Molly, bed," Minnie ordered, and she unwillingly complied. The nurse set out a folding chair for Kayden and left the room, leaving them to their conversation.

"What happened with Sandy?"

"She said yes! We were planning the wedding for last month, but the whole invasion thing kind of put that off. But hey, you can come now."

"That's a bonus."

"The banishing thing was bullshit. It was an accident."

"I don't blame them. I was dangerous. I can control my magic now, that's what's important."

He crossed his arms, still mad, but changed the topic, "I hear you played a big role in that battle."

"Not just a big role," Evan interjected, "She practically did everything. Jax and Kasey only struck the death blow after Molly managed to make her drain her magic."

"Please," Molly argued, "I dodged while she attacked me for ten minutes. And then I got stabbed. Hardly impressive."

Kayden frowned at her, quiet but getting his emotions across clearly. He didn't approve of all the trouble she was getting herself into.

She reached for him and messed up his hair, and they had a silent conversation with their eyes. He finally sighed, leaning back in his chair.

"So, I heard about your dad."

"Yeah. I'm still messed up over it. Like... I thought this whole thing was my fault. I thought he was the victim. And really..."

They both looked up as there was a commotion outside. A very familiar voice said angrily, "I told you she doesn't want to see you," and a moment later there was a thump, and the door opened. Jax was shoved through, landing flat on his back with his hands over his head, scrambling back. Everyone froze, and Molly literally growled as she saw her father standing in the doorway, looking down at Jax in confusion.

"What do you want?"

He looked up at her and frowned, "Don't I have the right to visit my daughter?"

"Kasey is your daughter too."

He flinched.

"She told you then."

"Yes, she did."

Molly got out of bed, striding over to him and getting between him and Jax before she turned to help him to his feet. He stood up next to her, trying not to show how shaken he was.

"Now you fucking listen," she told her father, trying to keep her voice steady, "You've already royally pissed me off, shattered my trust in you, put my sister through unspeakable things, and now, to top it off, you decided to take out your anger issues on my friend."

"Molly, look-"

"No. No! I'm done! Get out! Now!"

"I'm trying to fix this-"

"And it isn't working! It's your fault things are messed up, so I don't want to fucking hear it! Leave, or I'll call the nurse."

He backed up a step, and she closed the door in his face, before turning around to look at Jax.

"I'm sorry," he said immediately, "I tried to make him leave."

"It's fine. I'm sorry he's such an ass."

Both Jax and Kayden went to tell her not to apologize, but she shushed them both, moving back to her bed and collapsing on the mattress. 

They all turned to see Kasey stirring and she sat up a moment later, looking around in confusion.


"Hospital in Kurta," Molly told her, and she turned to look at them.

"Oh... You're here..."

Molly laughed, then sighed.

"Dad was here."


"I kicked him out."

"Good job."

She looked at her little sister, who was clearly distracted looking at Cain. He was sleeping peacefully, his mouth open slightly as he breathed. Now that she thought about it, it wasn't too surprising that he was only fifteen. She pitied him greatly, now that she had time to recover from the emotional blow he'd given her.

She turned to find Kayden watching her as well, trying to figure the complex emotions in her eyes.

"Well," he said eventually, "I'd better get going. Sandy and I have wedding things to do. I'll come by if you're still in here tomorrow."

Molly nodded, really hoping she wouldn't. She turned to look at Jax as the door closed, holding out her arms as a clear invitation for him to crawl into them. He did, moving onto the bed next to her and hugging her back. 

She didn't say anything for a second, just enjoying the feeling of him against her again.

"I missed this," she told him, though there was really no time for her to have missed it with.

"Me too."

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