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When she shoved the door open, Molly had been expecting something different. The Ice Witch- Mira, she reminded herself- sat quietly on her throne, watching them with her chin balanced on her hand. Her aid dashed out of the room, surprising everyone.

"You've impressed me," Mira said simply.

They all exchanged glances.

"How old are you? You're practically children."

They still stayed silent, and she sighed, "Oh, come on. Do you think I'm going to fight you? Just talk. I want to know how you did it."

Kia coughed quietly, and the rest of them stayed silent.

Mira rolled her eyes and stood up, and they all tensed.

"If you insist on a fight."

She waved her hand through the air, shooting ice toward them, they all leaped out of the way, and Molly couldn't help but grin. She'd come to enjoy the feeling of battle. She landed with a tumble and hopped back to her feet, shooting a wave of flame towards Mira, who lazily blocked it with her ice.

"Come now, you have to have something else you can do?"

Molly growled, getting to her feet. She hated being taunted in battle.

"I can kill you like I killed your fucking necromancer."

Mira went even paler than she already was, before her face flushed red.

She shot another wave of ice, which Molly evaporated with a jet of flame. Jax threw and ice blade, which she deflected, and Evan shot a bolt of lightning that hit a wall of ice she erected. Kia tried to hit her with a metal slab she lifted from the ground, but it was knocked from the air with another blast of ice.

Molly winced as she sensed the woman's immense power, which was now mainly focused on annihilating her. Her mind raced, and she made a plan immediately. Jax wouldn't like it, but she had to do it.

She fixed her face into a mocking grin and said, mockingly, "I wonder if you'll burn as well as he did?"

Mira screamed and threw blade after blade, blast after blast of magic. She just had to keep her angry and distracted. She made brief eye contact with David as she blocked the attacks, and he seemed to realize what she was doing.

"He screamed a lot. I wonder if it was the pain or the terror. Why don't I test it out on you, and then you can tell me? He wasn't really in a condition where he could speak."

She could feel Jax's horrified gaze burning into the back of her head, and she winced as she realized she'd been absently mimicking his father to egg Mira on. She switched tactics from sadistic to mocking.

"You know, he never mentioned you. Not even while he was dying. He didn't seem to care that much-"

Mira screeched, gathering a large amount of magic and sending it straight toward her. She doubted her fire could melt that, so she ducked low, covering her head as what could only be described as an oversized icicle flew over her and embedded in the wall. She rolled out of the way as another hit where her head had been, and she scrambled up and jumped out of the way as one was aimed for her stomach.

She muttered a soft, "Fuck," as another grazed her side, and a fifth hit her right shoulder.

She could feel Mira's magic draining, and she almost smiled as she realized that she would only be able to manage a few more. They were already getting smaller. She was able to melt another one, though she did get a face full of cool water.

Mira seemed to realize that they were getting smaller as well, because she put a huge amount of energy into summoning around twenty at once. Molly's eyes flickered to Jax, panic settling in both of their expressions, but Molly couldn't help her smug smile as she sensed Mira's energy becoming almost completely depleted. The blades came flying toward her and she tried to melt as many as she could with her low stores of magic, before giving up and moving to dodging. She saw her sister run up the stairs out of the corner of her eye, but she didn't have time to focus as she twisted to avoid the ice.

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