The types of snaps the signs put on their snapchat

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The types of snaps the signs put on their snapchat--

Aries- Vids of them doing dumb stuff. 4:20 posts every afternoon and morning.

Taurus- Food. "Still in bed at 2:00"

Gemini- Puns about the things next to them. "11:11 @ you know who😊😊😍"

Cancer- Always traveling and making their friends jealous. "Paris is so overated🙄🙄".

Leo- Flaunts their money/material items. "Ugh daddy didn't get me the yellow Lamborghini that I wanted, I only got green😒😒"

Virgo- Doesn't post that often but somehow has a super high snap score.

Libra- Always posting their problems. "Ugh nobody likes me".

Scorpio- Has a constant grunge aesthetic. Post vids of their favorite songs.

Sagittarius- Always posts random crap. "Found an egg that I can relate to today".

Capricorn- puts pics of the SO/bestie 24/7. Their mcm or wcw is themselves.

Aquarius- Posts pics of saying that they miss their friends, doesn't respond when they swipe up. " Wish I was with him😒😭😭"

Pisces- Never stops posting memes. "Swipe up if you wanna fight".

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