The Signs Going Through A Tough Time

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The Signs Going Through A Tough Time:

Aries- Shuts most people out, but talks about it to good friends.

Taurus-  Tells people, but doesn't act differently.

Gemini- Tells people, but exaggerates on the situation.

Cancer- Goes to their closest friends seeking help, let's their emotions get the best of them.

Leo- Acts like there is nothing wrong when it's obvious that something is wrong.

Virgo- Looks at the situation and doesnt make a big deal out of it.

Libra- Tells everyone they know, but to each one a different story.

Scorpio- Tells people, but gets angry when they try to help

Sagittarius- Goes to one single person for advice and then uses it to help them.

Capricorn- Doesn't tell anyone, but handles it badly.

Aquarius- Shuts everyone out, and then finally breaks down.

Pisces- Breaks down and then makes it better.

Zodiac w/ Granny FrancisWhere stories live. Discover now