Advice #2

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More advise--

Aries-calm the fuck down. Seriously, take a chill pill

Taurus-stop helping people who CAN help themselves

Gemini-don't be so sensetive when people don't agree with you

Cancer-don't be so negative twards yourself. You're beautiful, deal with it

Leo-learn to NOT be the center of attention. Is not all about you, let other people shine

Virgo-give hugs and be loving. And let others hug you, unless they're a stranger, then don't hug them

Libra-stop being so rude to people when they ask you things

Scorpio-don't threaten people when you are in a bad mood. It gets old, and annoying

Sagittarius-you are not being a unique butterfly by letting other people guide everything you do. Learn to follow your heart, and not others

Capricorn-stop being greedy and judgmental

Aquarius-not everyone wants to know about all the things you know about. Nobody wants to hear that shit

Pisces-stop being sooooooo over-dramatic

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