One thing I love about the signs #2

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One thing I love about the signs #2--

Aries-Arians are super dedicated 

Taurus-Taurans ideas can't be changed by anyone

Gemini-Geminis are super smart

Cancer-Cancers don't put down ideas until they hear everything about it

Leo-Leo's can get anyone's attention

Virgo-Virgos work great in group project by keeping everyone in check 

Libra-Libras know about everything that's going on 

Scorpio-Scorpios remember old friends for years and still consider them a friend

Sagittarius-Sagittarians treat their friends like family 

Capricorn-Capricorns don't let little problems mess up their plans

Aquarius-Aquarians treat everyone with the same respect

Pisces-Pisceans can see who a person is on the inside

Zodiac w/ Granny FrancisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora