One thing I love about the signs

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One thing I love about the signs—

Aries-Arians are fun and have a 'stick it to the man' type attitude

Taurus-Taurans care so much for their friends

Gemini-Geminis love to cause mischief anywhere

Cancer-Cancers would do anything to comfort someone sad, whether they know them or not

Leo-Leos are always able to make people smile

Virgo-Virgos are always open to listen to you vent

Libra-Libras have the best inside jokes

Scorpio-Scorpios will stand up for anyone being treated wrong

Sagittarius-Sagittariuans are childish and don't take much seriously

Capricorn-Capricorns get what they want when they want it and don't let anything get in their way

Aquarius—I don't want to say anything about Aquariuans because I am one, so you shouls tell me what y'all love about them—

Pisces-Pisceans can make you see the beauty in anything

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