"You could have saved us" He could have saved them all but he didn't. "I..." He stammered not knowing what to say but Alessia did.

"You let everyone in there die, Marcel someone who you thought of as a son. You could have saved us" Alessia begun to yell as him as she was walking over. Her eyes were starting to tear up from the emotions taking over.

"YOU LEFT ME! YOU LEFT ME ALONE TO DIE! YOU DISAPPEARED WITHOUT A TRACE. HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!" She yelled full of different emotions, sobs were escaping her lips.

Everything that she been keeping to herself she let out. Klaus could see what happened all those years ago broke her.

He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist gently, to soothe her. "There's not been a day that gone by that I don't regret leaving you. If I could go back, I would save you" He admitted truthfully.

"If I wasn't such of a coward to stand up against my father" His impulse has always been something that been his downfall. 

"Things would be a lot different" He added both of them looking with few emotions.

"I've never stopped loving you" Alessia admitted looking done for a moment. Without another thought, Klaus placed has hand on her cheek making her look back at him.

With his thumb, he wiped away her tears, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips softly. Alessia kissed him back wrapped her hands at the back of his head as they were deepening the kiss.

The kiss was broken by the ringing of a phone going off, cutting them off. Alessia looked to see her phone on the kitchen unit next to them going off, it was Stefan's caller ID coming up.

She knew she had to answer it to let her brothers know she wasn't being hurt in any way. She went and picked up the phone, accepting the call she placed it to her ear where she was greeted to Stefan's frantic voice.

"Alessia finally, I've been trying to get hold of you for the last day" She had left her phone untouched since yesterday, she had almost forgotten about it.

"Stefan, I'm fine. I'm safe don't worry about me" She reassured him softly, letting him know she was alright.

"Damon's gone awol, I'm spending the day with Elena" With that she turned sour after hearing him talk about Elena.

"I see, Elena comes first like usual" With that Alessia hung up on her brother not wanting to hear anything more.

Klaus had noticed how her phone call with Stefan was strange. "You don't like your brother's girlfriend?" He questioned before looking over to Alesia.

"She's a bitch" That was the simplest way she could put it to be honest. "I got to go out for a bit to keep a check on things. I'm going to break the curse tonight" He told her.

"Today is the day" She asked looking over to him knowing that after long last he was breaking the werewolf curse.

"It is. I will break the curse and finally become a full hybrid" He spoke proudly that everything was now falling into place. Before leaving he gave her one last kiss. "Bye love"

When Klaus left, Katherine came back through knowing the coast was clear. She was the first to say something.

"Well I see you two are back again" Katherine commented smirking cunningly. "I don't know what we are" She muttered truthfully, not having enough time to think everything through.

She decided to change to subject around not wanting to discuss Klaus with Katherine. "Who are the vampire and werewolf that he's planning to use?" She asked her to sound curious wanting to know if it was anyone she knew.

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