Scorned (America) 2 of 2

Start from the beginning

   Maria had stopped eating at this point. You examined her face; her eyebrows were furrowed and her shoulders bent over submissively, and you wondered if you should go on with this. But then you remembered the horrible video, the fucking conception, and your wandering husband.

   Pregnant or not, she wasn't getting her happy ever after. Neither of them were.

   "You must be thirsty" You reached for the bottle of wine.

   "Chianti." You explained "I sent my parents to Italy for their umpteenth honeymoon; it was during the same year I got engaged. They bought me this as a wedding present."

   You removed the cork and poured some in Maria's glass. She bit down on her lip, "I-I don't know if I should. I mean this was a wedding present, I feel like I'm intruding or something."

   "Don't worry about it." You sat down and lifted your glass "Salute"

   You gulped it all down before practically slamming the glass back on the table, causing Maria to flinch. "I think it's Italian for 'To your health'" You added.

   "Name... why did you ask me over?"

   You sighed and shook your head, "You wanna know something?" You took a deep breath and looked straight into her eyes.

   "I forgot." Actually, you were going to tell her that you wanted her opinion on baby clothes just to see what kind of face she'd make, but you've had enough bullshitting.

   Her eyebrows raised upward and her mouth fell open.

   You got up and brushed your hands together, "Wait right here."

   Five seconds later you've returned from the kitchen holding a plate of blue and pink cupcakes. "I hope you like sweets. While I was studying in England, I made a baker friend and he taught me how to make all sorts of pastries."

   You laid down the plate in front of her and then reached for the blue one. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm very possessive with my food" You licked off the frosting "The blueberry happens to be my favorite."

   She did a half-smile and grabbed the remaining pink.

   "They're a little burnt, but I still think they're okay."

   Maria took a bite off the cupcake and chewed it carefully, probably expecting for a needle you threw into the batter. But of course you didn't.

   "What do you think?"

   She nodded, having reduced it to half. "It's good, you're a really good..." She stopped mid-sentence.

   You tilted your head when she slowly put down the pastry. "Something wrong?"

   She put a hand over her mouth as she started to cough.

   "I know what's going on between you and Alfred. I would've spared you but the thing is... you knew me. You knew he was married but you still latched onto him like the bottom-feeding gold-digging whore you are." Your voice was sharp and steady like a knife. "I also know that one very unlucky sperm had found its way into you."

   She toppled to the floor with her chair, "What did... you... give me?" She shouted.

   "You want to know why I became a medical examiner, Maria?" You poured yourself another glass "I'll let you in on a secret: When I was five, we got a pet dog. It kept destroying everything in the house and barked all night. God, I hated that stupid mutt. But then one day I came home and found it sleeping next to my doll house—you know, those really cute Victorian ones that cost a lot? It had destroyed the ceiling and west wing. You know what I did next?"

   You sipped your wine. "I killed it."

   Maria coughed some more.

   "I picked up a lamp and started hitting it on the head until it was unconscious... And then I hit him again. And again. And again..."

   You sighed when you heard Maria sobbing.

   "You're not going to die, though you're gonna wish you were if you don't do these two things that I ask you."

   She rolled over and lifted herself up.

   "Number one: You leave me and Alfred alone—that means you resign, you move, and you break all contact with Alfred, or I spread the news about your little affair." You walked over to her and watched her struggle to crawl away, only to start vomiting. Her body trembled violently "I wonder what your loving, churchgoer mother would say to a photo of her baby doing the cowgirl? A little birdie told me that she has a weak heart"

   Maria looked up to you, glaring and scowling "You bi—" Her words were cut short by another string of coughing and acid leaving her stomach.

   You waved your finger, "Tut, tut. Bad girl, I'm not finished. But first, I need your word that you won't disobey me. Because I might just kill you, and let's face it, I can get away with it." The way you said it... It wasn't an empty threat, it was a statement—you just said the sky is blue. Calm and honest. Maria was sobbing now.

   "Well, Maria?"

   She spouted out a 'yes' before vomiting again.

   "Wise choice. My second condition is that you drop it."

   Her eyes widened and her hand went over her stomach protectively. You sighed again.

   "It's not because you touched somebody else's husband, it's more because you put your hands on what's mine. I think fair is fair for me to take away what's yours."

   "Alfred... is already... yours." She defended.

   "Yes, but after playing with you he's less valuable to me now. And he has to pay, too, which means you need to drop that baby. Or I could do it myself right here. I can just knock you unconscious, drag you to the bathroom and cut you open, of course, there's no guarantee that I won't be able to resist slitting your throat"

   Tears and snot and a face twisted in terror. You pressed your thighs closer together and bit down on your lip. You felt an orgasm on its way.

   "Well, Maria?"

   She wasn't even throwing up anymore, her dinner was gone and all she had left was more acid and saliva.

   "...I'll do it."


Alfred came home a week later.

   "How was your meeting in Tokyo?" You sipped on your coffee and watched him fumble with his phone like crazy. He'd been restless since he returned that evening.

   "It was fine." He didn't even look up from the screen. You finished your coffee and gloated silently. Maria wasn't going to meet him, Maria was gone forever. In the end, she was just another lowly thief who surrendered without putting up a fight. You got your revenge on her.

   Now it was your husband's turn.

   "Alfred." You put your hand over his.

   He glanced up at you.

   "You look like they didn't feed you anything, sweetheart." Your lips curled up "How about a cupcake?"

First of all: When there are blue and pink cupcakes in a Hetalia story, you just know shit's about to go down.

Second: The Reader is a fucking gangster here. Like... SAVAGE.

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