
He was so quiet in there I didn't even notice him.

"Well Brooke is riding with Kai, and Brett rode with me but I can make him go with Luke if you want.." Dylan started.

"No it's fine! I can ride with Luke." I said with a smile.

"You sure?" Dylan responded with a questioning look.

"Yeah, at least if that's fine with Luke.." I said looking over at him. Gosh, I was mad at him for looking so good. He was wearing khaki shorts, a baseball style shirt that was grey and black, with some vans.

Stop Cheyenne! You cannot bounce back and fourth between him and Dylan.

"Sure" was all Luke said.

The truth is I wanna know why Luke already acts like he can't stand me. I've only had a couple encounters with him and he's been a dick every time. I hop in the passenger seat after waving goodbye to everyone.

Luke follows and gets in starting up the car.. which sounds amazing. Holy shit.

He started driving and we sat in silence.

That was until I spoke up.

"Can I ask you something?"

He looked over at me with those grey eyes as if to say go ahead.

"Did we get off on the wrong foot or something? Because from the minute we laid eyes on each other you've acted like you hated me." I asked sounding a little more frustrated than I anticipated.

"I don't hate anyone." Was all he said.

That's helpful.. not.

I just slumped down into my seat and stared out the window. I was upset. I've never had anyone act this hostile towards me. I didn't know how to respond. I decided the best thing to do was to shut up and pray this car ride ended soon.

"No, I don't hate you. I just don't know you. I didn't mean to come off so hostile.. kind of hard to get to know someone when they run off with my friend the first night they meet." He said calmly.

So that's what it was? Was he.. jealous? In some weird unknown way?

"Is that why you kept looking at me.. I mean us all night?" I asked sitting up straight.

"Who said I was looking at you?" He snapped.

"Well no one said it.. I saw it. Every time I looked over you were looking at me. We locked eyes all night you can't deny that." I said pointing at him.

"Wouldn't you have to be staring to know I'm staring too? So tell me.. why were you staring all night? I know I'm good looking and all.." he said half jokingly.

I started to stutter something out but this boy made my breathing stop and my words into clutter.

"Exactly. We're here by the way" he stated.

I didn't even notice because I was too busy staring at this beautiful boy. He had a point.. I spent a lot of time looking at him as well. I couldn't help it. He was absolutely perfect and I was a little tipsy. Lord knows my shy demeanor flies out the window when I get alcohol in my system.

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