Death Eaters Survive

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So there we were sitting in an airplane during on the worst thunderstorms in the history of Europe. Of course I was freaking out the entire time. I hated flying. Even when we were taught to ride brooms back in school. I absolutely was terrified of flying. Lucky because of his family's wealth we were able to get first class tickets to Ireland non stop. 

The plane tousled about in the bad weather. My hand gripped the armrest intensely as the lights flickered on and off. I could feel my fingers turning white from me squeezing so hard. Junior who was sitting in the window seat, turned to me.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

Looking straight head and not even looking at him, I could feel tears start to well up in my eyes. 

"No." I said sniffing up the liquid running from my nose. 

He turned to me placing his hand on top of mine. I suddenly turned to face him, blushing slightly through the tears. I couldn't tell if it was because I was upset or if it was because I liked it. 

"My mother told me if I ever got scared to take three deep breaths and then everything would be better. Want to try?" He asked sincerely. 

I shook my head yes and continued to take three large deep breathes together with him. When I let out the air from the last breathe the plane dipped a few thousand feet, and I freaked out again. Junior quickly took out his wand and held it to my head. He whispered softly. 

"Stupefy." And a soft blue light emitted from the wand and completely rendered me unconscious. 

Unknowing at the time, I fell right asleep, my head falling onto his left shoulder and my hands falling onto his lap. Instead of shoving me off of him. He simply looked at me petting the top of my head reassuring me, everything would be ok. He smiled softly as a flight attendant walked up to him.

"Oh good, she finally was able to calm down and sleep." The flight attendant said. 


"You two are very cute together." She said smiling as she walked down the isle to address another passengers problem. 

He looked back at me resting on his shoulder. Feeling somewhat content he looked out at the thunderstorm outside. Suddenly the windows started getting frosty. He had seen this tons of times. As he breathed out, he could see his breath. There was only a few reasons the air suddenly turned ice cold, none of them good. The first thought in his head was dementors. He cupped his hands around his eyes trying to look out of the windows. Between lightning flashes he saw a black smokey mass traveling towards the plane. 

It burst through the airplane without making any damage and instantly put everyone except for Junior to sleep. The black mass then formed into an older looking man in his 60's. He was dressed in black robes. He was a death eater. He took a deep breath in before speaking. 

"Barty! My boy, I'm glad to see you alive and well!" He said to Junior. 

He never exactly who this was. It was Antonin Dolohov a death eater from the Battle at Hogwarts. He was much older then Junior had remembered. Without getting up to disturb me, he instead stayed in his seat panicking. 

"Antonin? You're looking old." He said slyly. 

"You never cease to take a swing whenever you can, its good to see you kept that disgusting humor." He said in a serious tone. 

He looked at me and then back up at Antonin. 

"What do you want. I thought all the Death Eaters died?" He asked. 

"Don't you know? Death Eaters survive. What we want my boy is quite simple. We want to bring back the Dark Lord once more." He said chuckling slightly. 

"I thought Harry Potter destroyed him completely?" He asked. 

"He did, but we believe there is a way to bring him back." Antonin said. 

Junior perked up at this answer. 

"How?" He asked. 

"We believe that in the library you seek in Ireland there is a book that can help us to bring back our master. It will show us how to create another Tom Riddle, and the woman that must carry this child, is sitting right beside you." He said smiling eerily. 

Junior looked at me wide eyed and then back at Antonin.

"I will not allow her to be apart of this." He said raising his wand. 

Antonin started laughing.

"You dare raise your wand to an old friend? You haven't changed at all Barty! You would be wise to meet our demands, otherwise we will just hand you over to the Ministry and have them have their way with you." He said. 

There was no way Junior would disobey him. He didn't want to be put to death again. Instead of a snarky response he just sat in silence lowering his wand. 

"Good lad. The book you are looking for is called 'Surrogate To The Dead'. When you find the book, read it, study it, and then send an owl to this location." He said as he handed Junior a note. 

As he looked up from the piece of paper Antonin disappeared from the plane and everyone woke up including me. I slowly lifted up my head and looked at Junior. 

"How did I get here?" I asked groggy. 

"Its ok. Just go back to sleep. You're actually tolerable when you're sleeping." He said laughing, thoughts running through his mind. I peered out of the window before placing my head on his shoulder again. The thunderstorm has dissipated and a beautiful sunset could be seen.

"Rain has cleared up. You know, it's actually kind of pretty." I said looking out the window. 

"Yes, it is." He said looking at me, feeling guilty. 

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