Crinus Muto

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I rolled over on my back, breathing heavily. Despite almost dying, the warmth of the sand actually felt pretty good. Junior followed suit and also rolled onto his back. All of a sudden I could hear footsteps coming closer. It was local beach goers who saw the whole ordeal of the castle crumbling into the sea. 

"Estas bein?" An older man said to me, offering me a hand. 

"Si, si. Estamos bein, gracias." I said back, thanking the man as he pulled me up from the sand. 

I wiped as much sand as I could from my pants and then offered my hand to Junior. He pulled on my hand so hard that I lost my footing and fell on top of him. I really looked at him in the eyes for the first time since we met. As cold as he had been, his eyes showed nothing but longing and caring. Slowly his face turned sour as he spoke. 

"Get off of me." He said softly. 

"Huh?" I asked because I didn't understand him. 

"You're on my jewels." He said in pain. 

I rolled off of him and quickly got up. 

"Sorry." I said tucking my wet hair behind my ear, laughing softly. 

He got himself up off the ground and we decided to head towards the town. We both thought it would be a good idea to buy some new clothes and maybe get a meal. After looking from tent to tent, I finally found something that caught my eye. It was a pretty white sundress. I stopped and starred at the dress while Junior continued to walk past me. It looked like something I saw in an old family photo once. 

My mother wore a dress just like it when she was my age. In the photo she was almost my age too. She had just met my father who she absolutely hated. My parents had a very love/hate relationship. 

They met in college and were forced to be partners for a research project. My father would rarely show up to scheduled meetings. The reason he didn't go was because he thought my Mum was a control freak who had a stick up her ass. But when the turn in day kept getting closer and closer, she showed him how stressed she was, and he understood. After that he became more cooperative and then actually finished the assignment on time. They even managed to get the highest score in the entire class. After that my father saw a different side to this stuck up girl, and he fell in love. 

Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

"How much for the dress?" Junior asked the seller. 

"75 Euro." She said back. 

I saw him take out his wallet and handed her the money. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

The woman who was selling the dresses, handed him the one I was looking at. They both nodded their heads in agreement to the exchange. 

"Just take it." He said as he shoved it into my hands. 

I followed him as we went around the corner in an alleyway. We stopped in the middle.

"Change." He said looking at me seriously flicking the corner of his mouth.

"Here in the middle of the alley? Are you nuts?" I asked.

Suddenly he pinned me to the wall holding his wand to my throat. I was so scared I didn't know what to do.

"When I tell you to do something, you do it!" He yelled in my face. 

He noticed the terror in my eyes and his hard expression softened. He slowly lowered his wand and backed away. 

"I'm sorry. We are being followed we need to change what we look like for the time being." He said as he turned his back to me. 

I went closer to him.

"Why didn't you just tell me that to begin with?" I asked softly. 

I started taking off my wet clothes as he turned around.

"What are you doing?" He asked stepping in front of me. 

He opened up the black leather jacket and surrounded me so no one could see me naked, except for him. I won't deny the fact it was very thrilling have a decent looking man watch me undress. I even blushed. Right before I got down to my underwear I made him close his eyes. 

"Ahem." I coughed signaling that I was done as I slid the dress over my head. He backed away and closed his jacket looking around cautiously. 

"We need to change your hair." He said looking at me. 

"Excuse me?" I asked shocked. 

I have never changed my hair style my entire life. Its always been pale yellow about shoulder length. 

"Please Ella." He said looking at me deep in my eyes. 

"We need to not look like us right now." He continued. 

Reluctantly I shook my head in agreement. He took out his wand and spoke clearly. 

"Crinus muto." He said flicking his wand. 

All of a sudden my yellow hair started falling out and black hair grew in its place. It also stopped right at my chin. 

"BLACK!" I yelled at him.

"What? I think it looks quite appealing on you." He giggled. 

"Well if I have to change so do you!" I said raising my own wand. 

"Barba faciem!" I yelled at Junior.

Suddenly he began to itch his face as little hairs started sprouting. Moments later he had a full grown beard. I started laughing, I couldn't help myself. It was very noticeable that he was frustrated with me.  

"So what's the game plan now Junior?" I asked.

He looked around. 

"I think we should be ok for now. We need to get to Ireland."

"What for?" I asked again.

We started heading towards a large crowd of people. 

"That is where the oldest magical library in existence is. You need to find your answer and I have some business to take care of." He said. 

We got into a taxi. I told the driver to go to the airport. 

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