The Floo Network

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I got up from the floor and stood infront of him. I was struck with a sense of dread. Walking over to the window, I looked out of it trying to figure out where we were exactly. White sand, blue ocean and clear skies. I had only ever dreamed of a place like this. 

Junior sat up in his chair. 

"Trying to find out where we are huh? Plotting your escape I assume." He said cunningly. 

"Yes, among other things." I said back. 

My parents. Through all that has happened I forgot about my family. I turned towards Junior.

"Listen, I don't know what has happened to my parents. Your father was holding them hostage in order for me save you. All I ask is that you help me figure out what happened to them. I need to know if your father really sent them back to their house. He claimed that he did, but he doesn't really seem like the honest type." I said. 

He looked at me with blank eyes. 

"He isn't." He said. 

He got up from his chair and walked over to me. 

"People claim that I'm the monster, when the real monster is the one you don't see. They hide in plain sight. It's the ones you least expect that do the most harm." He said. 

I looked away from the window and towards Junior. I never did understand how a boy who grew up in one of the wizarding worlds first families, who grew up with the best of everything and got anything and everything he asked for, turned out to be a murderer. 

"Please, if you help me do this, then I will do whatever you want me to do." I said sincerely. 

He raised his eyebrow.

"Really?" He said slyly. 

I punched him in the arm. 

"You would be wise not to do that to a death eater." He said.

"Former death eater." I said back at him. 

He stopped for a moment to think. 

"Fine, we will leave to find your parents. Do you parents have a fireplace?" 


"Then the floo network it is." He said. 

How I hate the floo network. We walked over to the fireplace in the room. I grabbed a handful of floo powder as we both stepped into fireplace. I raised my hand and spoke clearly. 

"23 Cherry Tree Lane, London." I said. 

Just like always we were engulfed in heatless green flames as we traveled through the network. All of a sudden we came sliding out of my parents fireplace and crashing into the couch. 

"Brilliant." I said sarcastically, standing up and brushing off the ash and soot from my clothes. 

I looked around and I was alone. Junior didn't arrive with me. While looking for him, I looked at my parents house. Furniture knocked over and destroyed, it didn't seem like anyone was home. 

"Mum?! Dad?!" I yelled. 

There was no answer. All of a sudden Junior slid out of the fireplace. As he was sliding out he managed to sweep my legs out from under me. I landed on top of him our faces inches apart. I blinked and was scared at how close we were.

"Are you alright?" I asked kindly. 

"I would be if you knee wasn't directly in my crotch." He replied sternly. 

I jolted my knee out of his sensitive area and he gasped for air. I quickly got up, offering him my hand. He just knocked it out of his face and got up on his own. He wiped the soot off of his pants and jacket. 

"I think it's think for a wardrobe change, what do you think?" He said. 

He took out his wand and said "Tethunois Millashe." 

Suddenly his clothes changed from the sooty to a brand new suit. It was brown suit with blue pinstripes, it was slim just like he was. He actually looked quite handsome. 

When I looked down at my body I was wear a green string bikini! I covered myself with my hands as best as I could. 

"Change me now!" I yelled at him. 

He looked at me up and down clearly appeased by the sight of me. 

"Sorry the spell works by thought. You have to think of what you want to wear." He said.

"So you were thinking about me in a bikini?!" I yelled.

He walked closer to me.

"Can you blame me?" He said slyly. 

"NOW JUNIOR!" I was furious. 

"Ok, ok." He sighed. 

He waved his wand again and my clothes transformed. 

This time I was in a red tee shirt with a black leather jacket over top and dark skinny jeans as pants. This would have to do for now.

"Not too shabby, if I do say so myself." Junior said.

Just at that very moment there was a loud thump coming from the level above us. I looked at Junior as we both had our wands at the ready. I called for my parents again. 

"Mum?! Dad?!" I yelled. 

Again no reply. 

"That noise came from upstairs." I said. 

I started to head for the spiral staircase when Junior stepped in front of me. 

"Do you have any experience in fighting?" He asked.


"Let's me go first then. You can't die yet." He said.

He was so crude and to the point. What did he still need me for? Slowly following his lead, we walked up the staircase to my parents bedrooms, passing by crooked picture frames of all the memories I made at Hogwarts. 

It had been some time since I had last seen my friends Emma and Wendo. Emma was a pure blood who came from a very old family. Wendo was an exchange student from the ancient Japanese, Mahoutokoro School of Magic. Emma still lived among witches and wizards while Wendo moved back to Japan shortly after graduating. 

Slowly but surely Junior opened the creaky door to reveal two people sitting on the floor starring at the wall. 

"Oui! Who are you?!" He asked them. 

The pair turned around and looked at us blankly. It was them.

"Mum! Dad!" I yelled with joy. 

I ran towards them and hugged them both. 

"I'm so happy you are ok." I said starting to cry.

I pulled away from them and wondered why they didn't hug me back. My mother looked at me with empty eyes.

"Who are you?" She asked me. 

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