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The fear rose up within me. I had never really thought seriously about the idea of dying. But it seemed like it was going to happen right now. There is a reason the Ministry of Magic uses dementors to control the inmates at Azkaban. They are extremely hard to kill. 

Dementors are not living beings nor can be killed. They feed off of happiness and leave you with nothing but your worst nightmares. The only known way to protect yourself from a dementor was to perform a patronus charm. It can be a more difficult charm to pull off correctly. 

Basically you take the happiest memory you have and channel it through your wand, creating a patronus. It is like a wall of light that is so pure that not even the dementors can feed off of it, and are deflected by it. 

Minister Crouch picked up the trunk and carried it out of the room. 

"Follow me." He said. 

We walked down the hall and into a room that way bigger on the inside than the outside. It was a fully lit room with no windows just stone walls. He placed the trunk down into the middle of the room. 

"The dementor is in the trunk. It cannot leave this room and neither can you. Should you succeed I will let you out and I will also free your family. Good luck my dear." He said as he handed me my wand and walked away.

I heard the door behind me shut and lock. My fate was sealed. Either I beat this thing, or I'm dead. I gulped as I unlocked the trunk. 

"Alohomora." I said and the lock dropped from the latch. 

The top of the trunk slammed open and then dementor flew out. I didn't know where it was, but the second it sensed me it came right for me. I only had a matter of seconds to decide how I was going to kill this thing. I remembered reading something in my research. 

The little that we know about dementors, we know the less evil in the world the less dementors there are. If the world is at peace then dementors are rare to find. 

I knew exactly what I was going to do. If the dementors vanished if the world was happy and at peace all I had to do was create a happy and peaceful world. Easier said then done of course. There is no way to turn the whole world good for a moment, so all I had to do is create that world inside the chest and put the dementor inside of it. It should be so overwhelmed with the light that it should just implode on itself. 

I stretched my arm out and pointed towards the chest. I thought of one of the happiest moments of my life. It was the time that I was with my parents in an open grass field. We were on a picnic. Before I completely understood my powers, somehow I managed to cover the entire field in daises. They are my mothers favorite flower. Instead of being afraid of me, they just held me tight and thanked God for being a miracle. 

I yelled out with all of my might "Hapinos Perfimos!"

I shot and the inside of the chest lit up with a glowing white light. It was so intense I could feel the happiness radiating off of it. The next thing I had to do was to get the dementor back into the chest. I raised my wand, again thinking about my time in the field with my parents, and cast the charm. 

"Expecto Patronum!" I yelled. 

My patronus is a cat. It is said that the cat represents those who are quiet, brilliant, and sarcastic. It also is said that those who cast a cat patronus have an overwhelming sense of equality, trustworthiness, and good nature. Professor McGonagall and I share the same patronus. 

My patronus cat came out of my wand and pranced towards the dementor eventually wrapping itself around it. I held it steady and lifted it into the air. I kept a strong hold on my happiest memory because I could not fail now. Quickly as I could I put the dementor back into the chest and locked it tight. 

The chest was jumping and rattling violently. I could tell that it didn't like being in there. After about a minute, the chest stopped moving and there was silence. The lights in the room went out and I was left in the darkness. 

I whispered to myself. 


The tip of my wand lit up just enough so I could see. All of a sudden the box opened up! All of the light that was inside was now gone. Now emptiness and darkness replaced it. To my surprise little blue orbs started rising from the chest. I was expecting the dementor, but it never came out. Just the blue orbs. They were all floating up into the and disappearing, all except one. One blue orb flew straight at me. I moved out of the way and let it pass. It went right through the impenetrable door. 

Unknowing to me at the time, it ended up traveling down the hallway and into Barty Crouch Jr's room. It hovered right above him, then slowly settled down, breaking the barrier placed by his father and entered his mouth. Minister Crouch looked up in shock to see that his protective forcefield had been broken. He leaned over his son hoping for any sign of life. There was none. 

Suddenly Junior's eyes slammed open and he took a huge deep breath. He turned sharply to the left looking at his father in the face. 

"Son?" Minister Crouch said softly. 

Junior reached up with his hand and grabbed his father by his neck and brought him closer. In a snakelike way, he spoke. 

"Ello father!" He said with anger in his eyes. 

I Alone Remained Faithful (A Wizarding World of Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now