Chinese Fireball

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I had thought about going after him. I will never understand that feeling I had. Watching his memories play out right in front of me. He exposed a piece of himself, willingly knowing the book picks which memories it will show. There had to be some reason why he did that. 

I decided to take this opportunity to search through the library on anything dealing with the Obliviate spell or recovering lost memories. Meanwhile Junior was having his own break down.

"Why did you show her your past?" His evil half said. 

"I don't know. I just thought maybe if she understood, she would be more sympathetic to the things we've done."

"You lied to her, you told her the book is unpredictable. She's going to find out."

"No she won't." 

"Yes she will, and when she tries to leave, you'll have to get rid of her." 

"I won't do it."

"What do you think is going to happen, if she escapes? She will go to the ministry and tell them everything. Do you want to die again?" 


"The only thing that can ensure us safety is bringing back our master." 

"The Dark Lord is dead."

"Use that brain of yours. You didn't get those 12 O.W.L.s for nothing. She can help you." 

"How do you mean?"

"She can do all the research for you. Tell her memories are like people. Sometimes the have to be resurrected. Then she can find everything to know on resurrection." 

"But I like her."

"She will destroy us." 

"Fine." The better half said. 

It seemed like I spent days in that library. Junior hadn't come by to see how I was doing. I wasn't even sure if he was still around or not. Either way, at this point in time I was so tired from reading book after book that I just needed to get out. I snuck out of the library hoping he wouldn't catch me. All I wanted was to walk to the market down the road and interact with people, so that was exactly what I was going to do. 

I got to the front door and paused for a moment hearing Junior's threats in the back of my head. I placed my hand on the knob and twisted. I felt the knob jiggle, but other than that there didn't seem to be any changes. 

"His cloaking spell must have been a lie to keep me trapped here." I said out loud. 

And so like nothing happened, I walked to town. It felt so good to be in the warm, salty fresh air. Would I go back to the castle on the beach? Of course I would, but I needed to go somewhere, anywhere. I figured how bad could this seaside town be. 

It was made clear where we were when I finally reached town. The marketplace was full of all different kinds of tents. People were selling food, cloth, cheese, and all sorts of other goods. I passed by a shop. 

"Bonita. Ven aca. Te daré una muestra gratis!" Said an older gentleman.

I heard another woman say, "Gracias." 

I figured we had to be in Spain. Lucky for me one of my friends from Hogwarts spoke Spanish and taught me a little. I walked up to a shop keeper who was selling flowers.

"Disculpe, estamos en España?" I asked her.

"Si, Si." She replied shaking her head yes.

Just then out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow move. I didn't pay much attention to it and instead decided it would be best to go back to the castle. I headed back the same way I came and felt someone following me the entire way back. But every time I stopped to look, no one was there. I started running, fearing for my life. Finally once I reached the door I turned around as saw a house elf standing there.

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