
Jack's words sent a frown to my face. I cocked my head and stared at the clown confusingly.

"What?" My words hung in the air for a while before Jack turned around sluggishly to have his back facing me.

"I had to hurry up my kill today. Only met the kid that day before I killed him. To be honest, he was so utterly boring."

My breath hitch in my throat and I could feel my grip on the box tighten. I stayed in silence until Jack rolled over on the bed and groaned.

"But he was more interesting than you." His cold words hit me hard and I almost forgot about the breath I was holding back. I let it out as a sigh and turned to look at the window again.

"Maybe it's better if you're not here." I mumbled under my breath and caught the clown's attention. He rose from the bed and stared at me with a grin.

"That might be the smartest thing I've heard you say so far! Now hand over the box and let's call this quits!", he chanted happily and reached out for the box in my hand. I instinctively backed away and gripped it tighter to my chest.

"That's not what I meant. Look, there's security cameras outside and if they catch me talking to no one in my room, it'll make them suspicious!"

Jack stared at me for a while before frowning.

"Suspicious? Why the hell are you so worried all of a sudden? Did something happen when I wasn't here?" Jack towered over me and stared straight into my eyes. His question suddenly brought me back to our argument and a thought quickly crossed my mind.

"I feel bad for what I said the last time we were together. So I'm trying to make up for it", I said half-lying. Jack kept his sharp gaze on me and barely moved an inch.

"You caught me by surprise. I left because I wasn't in the mood to hear your mom screaming like an idiot if she saw me. Get over it."

"So you don't care?" Jack let out a sigh and finally broke the distance between us. He walked over to the window and stared back at me over his shoulder.

"Heh... A penny for a spool of thread, A penny for a needle..", Jack began to sing a strange song as he turned his attention to the cameras outside.

As his claw rested on the window, his grin widened as the multiple cameras turned to my house suddenly exploded.

"That's the way the monkey goes!", he chuckled after singing and stared satisfyingly as the ashes of the cameras struck the ground. His other hand touched the window and he let out a terrifying laugh.

I let out a mental sigh and smiled to myself as I noticed the pitch in his laugh. It was definitely one of his normal laughs and, even if it did send a shiver down my spine, at least it meant he was alright now.

Then as I stared at the cameras on fire, Officer Stan's face suddenly flashed in my mind. My pulse quickened and I realized the intensity of Jack's actions.

"Hehe..Hahaha!! Once those annoying cops show up and ask what happened to their cameras... I'll be ready to give them a warm welcoming..! Ahahah!!"

My jaw dropped open and I unconsciously ran toward Jack and stared in bewilderment at the damaged cameras.

"Jack! That's not a good idea!" The clown's wide grin suddenly turned into a frown and he stared at me with a raised eyebrow. I gulped back in fear and dreaded what would happened next.

"I met the main Officer yesterday and... uhh.. he saw your box... and quite possibly knows your identity now.." Jack's dark eyes widened and he gawked at me in shock. His lips suddenly started twitching and he soon frowned menacingly at me.


I shrunk back in fear and smiled wryly at Jack. He trembled from the anger and with the way his claws shook I could tell death was imminent.

"WHY IN THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU MEET WITH HIM?!", Jack's deep, masculine voice rung out in my ears and I instinctively gripped the music box.

"What was I supposed to say?! No?! That would have made things worse!" I protested and tried to reason with Jack as he pinched his nose in frustration.

But then he suddenly stopped trembling. His claws stopped shaking and he remained perfectly still. Jack's eyes were wide and for a moment I started to worry. However, a devilish smile crept onto his face and he was staring down at me his those dark eyes filled with lunacy.

"He can't catch me if he's dead, can he?! Oh golly, what a marvelous idea! Ahahaha!!!!"

I stared at the clown with wide eyes and felt my heart stop beating in my chest.

"No! You can't kill him! That's...! That's...!—"


The monochrome clown scoffed at my protest and smirked at my pleading figure. He leaned in closer and let one of his claws grab my chin. He lifted my head and forced me to look him in the eye.

"If I cared about something as trivial as that, would I still kill for pleasure to this day? Gumdrop, you still know nothing about me." With that he let go of my chin and smiled. I stared down at the floor with wide eyes and took in his words.

I really don't know anything about him.

I raised my head and let out a sigh. I gazed at the music box in my hand and the sense of wonder flowed though me again. I chuckled and ran my fingers over the engravings.

I turned back to Jack and noticed the bloodlust in his eyes as he no doubtlessly thought about slaughtering the Officer as soon as possible.

"Jack..? Do you like chocolate?"

His eyes suddenly turned to me and for a moment his face resembled that of a child—shocked and intrigued by my sudden request. I smiled back at him and giggled at what I had planned for next.

Cursed Smile: Laughing Jack x Reader | C O M P L E T E DWhere stories live. Discover now