Chapter 11 - What does it mean?

Começar do início

“Really? Oh so you want to marry me? If you say so.” I was still giggling and I could tell he was not amused. His face never faltered from the ‘I am deadly serious look’. He looked slightly hurt actually. “I would get on my knee in front of you now and ask, but I know you would say no as we do not know each other well enough. Like you say.” I felt a pang of guiltiness fall through me.

“Well, I don’t know if you are right. I probably wouldn’t say no, but not a yes either. I do know you for just over a week now.” And this is not fifty shades of grey, where you get married after five weeks. He nodded in understanding but still looked quite hurt.

“Plus, not much of a romantic proposal.” I shrugged my shoulders at him, trying to get humour into the topic. “No that romantic no?” I shook my head and he laughed. Carlisle was back, thank god. I loved his laugh. I didn't know why.

“I guess you are right. Not the right time. But I would like to meet your father, get his approval.” I nodded, I could understand why. But it’s my mother who is the scary one. “Okay. Go out the window, be back in about half hour. With any type of old scotch. I’m sure you can find something. He loves his scotch, or whiskey. I will go and talk my dad into accepting a boyfriend who is practically ten years older than me, only in the looks category.” Carlisle laughs at my last sentence but nods.

With a quick kiss, he was gone before I could open my eyes. Sighing I headed back downstairs.

Dad and I were sitting on the breakfast bar, eating our delicious macaroni cheese. “Dad, there is something I would like to talk to you about. Well someone…” He placed his fork in his empty bowl. “Is there a boy on the scene?” I nodded, he smiled lightly. “I was hoping you would get a boyfriend sooner rather than later. What’s he like?”

“Well, he’s charming. He speaks quite poshly, he has a lot of money, I really really like him and yeah…” He nodded. My dad was nearing his fifties and yet he didn't look a day older than forty. He enjoyed his time at the gym, and time at the barbers. Him and his half shaved head.

“Does he go to school with you?” The big question. “No. He’s older.” The tension in the room was thick. “How much older Baby?” Six hundred years older… “He’s ermm. Well he’s twenty five.” I heard dad gasp.

Pushing my plate away from me, I ate just under half of my small portion. “How did you meet him?”

“Well, you know I always go to Grayson manor? He’s the descendant I guess from the guy who lived there. He is also called Carlisle Grayson. I walked into him and we got talking.” He nodded. We’ve resorted to telling anyone who asked that he is a descendant from the Lord. Some people are sceptical. Some don’t even listen as they drink him in with hungry eyes. I really need to keep my anger and jealousy under control.

  “Wow. Erm, I don’t really know what to say…” He took a sip from his crystal glass of scotch. “Don’t. Just keep an open mind till you meet him.” He nodded.

“When will I meet him?” Looking at the clock, my heart beat spiked. A pounding tattoo in my chest. “In the next couple of minutes.” “Oh.” The tension was back. This was so awkward.

We sat in silence then the door bell rung. “Daddy, please be nice. He means a lot to me. Please.” Dad sighed but nodded. Opening the door, Carlisle stood there. He was dressed in black suit pants, and a white crisp shirt. The top two buttons were undone, enough to make me swoon. Damn, why was he so god damn attractive.

Dad and Carlisle both were on their best behaviour. Dad shook his hand and welcomed him in. Not like Carlisle has ever been here before… Carlisle stepped in, his tall frame leering over me. His arm gently went around my waist and he kissed my head.

DarlingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora