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2 Weeks later

Y/n's Pov

    This room is so boring I am tired of having nothing to do all day ; Phil hasn't visited me since monday of last week.  I feel alone, and extremly bored,  at times I feel my legs go numb from not being able to move all day. Im sick of eating this bland hospital food. A nice nurse named Lily gave me this journal. She said it wasfor me to keep And express how I feel. I thought hard about what to write in it, not wanting to sound over the top but yet be able to tell my truth.  2 days passed since she had given it to me, still being bothered by it in a way that it made me feel compelled to write something ANYTHING. That night i took in a deep breath, relaxed myself ,cleared my thoughts, and as i stroked the pen on the paper and started writting words that started flowing like a river. Suddenly i found myself writting this paragraph, feeling at ease with myself for finally letting some weight off of my shoulders. I am gratefull that Phil was nice enough to come here and visit me; wanting everything to go back to normal in my life. Yet not being able to do what i was accustomed to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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