Big Decisions

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Its 8:30 in the morning your last day in America is quite sad.

You have to leave a lot of friends , and family behind.

Your childhood memories.

Your family and friends gather up in your house for you LAST day

But before you do go your friends decide to take you down memory lane (figuratively).

They show you pictures of all of you together your high school prom and other pictures of how close you guys where since you practically grew up together.

They weren't best friends they where like sisters. And leaving them would hurt not only you but them.

As they took an hour going through the pictures you find yourself with tears of mascara streaming down your face making you look like you "joined" The Black Parade.

It is now 9:30 "time for breakfast" your mom shouts at the top of her lungs

Just loud enough for you to hear over the crying of your best friends.

You go down stairs smelling the air.

And see your mom in the kitchen accompanied by piles of pancakes and cut fresh fruit and glasses of juice.

Serving everyone in your family food. There was a line from the stairs down all the way to your kitchen.

As timed passed you ate your breakfast and said your goodbyes to your loved ones.

Your best friend Katy decided to leave you at the airport just in time for your flight.
( P.s. took 30 mins)

You heard the speakers to inform that

"Flight 37 to London was leaving in 5 minutes."

You went running to give the flight attendant your ticket . Find your seat, seat 22 A and sit for your long 5 hour journey to London.

You thought that your time in London would be good.

But your adventure hasn't even started.

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