Best Dinner EVER p.2

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Dan, and Phil, and you where sitting at the kitchen table.

You started to savor the meal that Phil had made for Dinner.

It was so delicious, and tasty and moist.
Everything was FANTASTIC.

Phil starts off the conversation, by asking you what you think about London so far.

You respond to him by saying, "well everything is so lovely and there's a lot of big and beautiful buildings".

Dan then adds on "yea you should really visit a lot of mine and Phil's favorite places; we might even take you one day, and show you around." "You never know you might actually like it and meet new friends".

Phil: "yea like our favorite coffee shop". "Or our favorite arcade".

Dan: "we mainly like to chill out at home though , it is comfy and really cool".

You think about their offer I mean could it hurt to make new friends?. You've only been in London for a couple of days, and luckily enough Dan and Phil came to you to talk as a neighbor-neighbor conversation.

When you where done with the meal, you put the plates aside and started to open up the cake.

You saw Dan and Phil's mouth water and this delicious scene and scent of the cake.

The aroma of the chocolate cake filled the entire room.

You cut the pieces accordingly to how much they wanted.

When everyone had their slice you all dug in and savored the delicious cake,taking your time with the first bite to taste it fully.

And when you put the fork in your mouth, the taste of chocolate came in fast shooting and bursting into your mouth.

The delicious cake was so good that you exaggerated a bit and moaned when you took the first bite. Basically a foodgasam.

When you had seen the cake at the grocery store it looked good ,and hoped that looks could match taste, but now you realize it did much more than that it overpassed its look.

As everyone is done you all get up from the kitchen table and go wash dishes and put away clean forks and knifes.

You see Dan and Phil almost grabbing your plate to wash it.

You felt bad enough that Phil had to cook and serve you food I mean you could at least help them clean dishes.

So you grabbed your plate from Dan and said "no, you don't have to clean up after me". "I can do it myself, mater fact leave all of the plates here and I'll wash them".

He said "no you're our guest you don't have to help us".

You insisted to help and they let you but as long as tomorrow you also come over, but for breakfast.

You obviously say yes since you had nothing to do since you met not a lot of people.

As soon as your done everyone heads toward the living room and whatch Netflix.

They ask you what would you like to see?
And you say "American Horror Story"

Dan: season?
You : 1 and 3
You watch a full marathon of AHS and every time there is a jumpscare you curl up into Dan's arms and he just holds you until its gone.

You're not even half way into season 3 and you feel your eyes get heavy with sleep.
You didn't want to sleep over since they where new friends you just made ,and you don't know but you probably snore LOUDLY.

So you said you where sorry for leaving in a rush but you where tired.

They said "well okay" they got up walked you home and you said *goodbye, and goodnight" .

You went to sleep. Dosing off while listening to music.
Although you where tired you couldn't wait for tomorrow

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