Delicate as a Rose

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What is there left to say? I thought she would be the only girl I would have a chance with but she didn't feel the same way and so I eventually learned to move on.

I didn't believe I would find someone else but I have and she is wonderful and everything that I could ever want.

She has reminded me how it feels to have your lungs set on fire with laughter, she makes me smile until my cheeks hurt and ache. She is happiness in a jar and I'm greedy and want the contents all to myself. This holiday, this agonising break has only begun and I already miss her.

I've already told her how much she means to me and she told me my importance to her. But I need more, I want more.

I want her. I love her.

I feel like I'm trapped in a limbo, I feel like I'm not enough for her. I want to be the best version of me, I want her to love me and look past my flaws. She is the rose trapped within the thorns that have surrounded me for all of these years and I find myself asking. What if this is what I've been waiting for, what if she is the one to bring me out of this darkness that I've trapped myself in.

She is the soft waves of the ocean against my limbs, the cool wind in my hair and the sun planting delicate kisses against my neck. She means everything to me and I can't lose her.

I want to write more and I want to keep writing until my fingers ache and my eyes grow heavy but I can't.
She is in my thoughts every second of the day, she is the first thing I think of when I wake in the morning and the last thing I fall asleep to.
She brought happiness back into my life and I fear the day she leaves will be the day I'll return to my old chaotic ways.

I love you so much and I don't think you realise how much.
I will wait for the day where I can tell you
But for now I'll write anonymously and tell the world how you saved me from myself

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