Undivided Attention

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Pulled by the current of the ocean. This feeling of pure steel dragging me further below the deep blue abyss; and there was nothing I could do but drown deeper. I loved drowning, I loved not being able to swim, to swim through him easily. Maybe I enjoyed the challenge set up, because either way I knew I would spend some portion of my life with him, I just fucking knew.

Its a weight, a magnetism that joins the empty dots between us. I can feel it like a beacon of blinding light, there is nothing subtle about the way the empty star dust between us shines through the air. We are the birds in the sky when we are together, we are the clouds and the rain. We're the dirt and soil in the ground below us. We are the entire world when we are close, we become one.

The music of our heartbeats swim together in unison to create something magical. Its like we create magic with our eyes, create a new language with our bodies.
Its like I find myself through him.

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