Forbidden Treasures

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I curled myself up against my thoughts and closed my eyes against him.

A circle was formed with one space available and there was two of them. I unfolded my arms and offered my bubble. He accepted.

Thats when I melted, he spoke softly and gently. His words guiding my heart into a steady rythmn. His face close to mine, maybe too close. I could see every feature of his face, the way his eyes wouldnt look at mine, they would slowly drop down my face until they reached my lips, and they would stay there.

He spoke his words to my lips and I spoke mine through my eyes.

When he combed his fingers through his hair I had to dig my nails into my hand to stop myself from touching his face; him. I just wanted to kiss him, and stroke his skin. I wanted to know how he felt when I caressed him and I wanted to know how soft his lips were against mine.

I knew he could see my thoughts swimming in my eyes, but I disguised them with distractions. I looked away, at the blank wall and pretended the voice I had been yearning for was formed from my imagination.

But then I found myself smiling back at him and spewing words from my own body. I could see him smirking and enveloped myself back into my dark corner when it had ended.

It was a nice little thing, but I wanted more.

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