Maric let out a quiet breath of laughter. "You know, I'm not even sure myself anymore."

"Well, the issue as I see it is that you're on a diplomatic tour. You're giving some very powerful and influential people their first taste of who you are and who you will be as a leader, and if they think you can't even keep a single slave in line you'll lose their respect. That slave cannot be seen at your side acting inappropriately."

Maric was silent for a long moment. He didn't speak until Farah turned her head away from him, tired of his affection. "Yes, I suppose you're right."

"How do you want to achieve that?"

Maric turned around and leant back against the stall door. "He's not intentionally badly behaved, he's just untrained. But, I have to admit, I have no idea how to train a slave."

"And you're set on keeping him?"

"I mean — I don't know, Brayan. I realise the frontlines are no place for him, so long term... " Maric shook his head. "But right now, getting rid of him? I know it's not sensible, but giving up doesn't sit right with me."

"That's nothing new, is it?" Brayan gave him a smile. "Why don't I take him off your hands while you finish your dinner? I'll take him over to a quiet corner and go over some basic etiquette with him. If he really is just untrained, it shouldn't be too hard to get him brushed up on the basics."

"I— Mm. Maybe that would be for the best."

"You're hesitant."

"He's..." Maric rubbed a hand over his face. "Oh goodness, I don't even know."

"You're not catching feelings, are you?"

Maric wouldn't look at him.

"Maric, you know that can't end well. He's a slave. Not even a good slave."

"I'm not saying I'm in love with him, Brayan. It's been less than a week. That would be ridiculous no matter who he was. But— I mean— it wouldn't be strange or wrong to experience feelings in his direction, would it? That's just a part of being human."

"I'm not sure I follow."

"I feel guilty that he was treated so horrendously all those years when he was technically mine. I know it wasn't my fault, but even so. And now... now I have this wounded young man with me, and I want to make things right. Or at least avoid being yet another person who hurts him." He shook his head and let out a long sigh. "And I know, I know, there are other things I should be focusing on, but this feels important."

"I won't lie to you. I thought this was a terrible idea, and in a way I still do. But you are my prince, and one day my king, and I respect you. If this is important to you, that's all that matters."

"Thank you, Brayan."

"Send him over to sit with me. I'll treat him gently. If he's going to stay by your side, he's going to need to learn to act appropriately. I'm sure he'll be much less stressed once he has boundaries he understands."

Maric nodded. "I've been reluctant to correct him, but you're right, of course. I'm sure he'll be much happier once he knows what's expected of him."

"Just let me..." Brayan turned around to continue his search for the wine, and his eyes immediately landed on the crate containing it, tucked right at the back of the wagon. "Ah, here we go!" He crawled into the wagon and reached back to retrieve a few bottles.

When they returned to the tavern the slave was still sitting on the floor, his head down and his fingers tangling in the hem of his shirt. He looked up when he heard their approach and some of the anxiety softened out of his expression when his eyes landed on Maric.

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