date night

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Juice handed me a black bandana. I held it in my hand and just looked at him. He chuckled and took it out of my hand.

He walked slowly behind me. I saw his arms raise up as he lifted the cloth over my eyes. He felt my body stiffen.

"Dont be nervous. Youre safe with me" he whispered into my ear softly. I instantly relaxed.

I felt him put on my bike helmet as he guided me over to what i assumed was his bike. He pushed down on my shoulders slightly and i sat on the seat and swung my leg over to sit comfortably.

The bike moved slightly as juice sat infront of me. My arms instictively snaking around his waist.

"Do you trust me?" Juice spoke quietly as he lent into me slightly.

"Yes" i whispered. Juice was the only person who i do trust. Im not sure why. But he is.

He started up the bike. The all too familiar vibrations traveled up my body. I started riding at 14. Thats when i got my first bike. Illegally of course.

We drove for a short time in complete silence. My arms wrapped tightly around his waist and hit hand on my thigh. I started to get nervous. I dont know if the ride was short because it wasnt far or because juice was riding at 90 at least.

Me and juice already admitted our feelings for eachother but im not sure he understands that i am in love with him.

I debated telling him but i dont want it to ruin anything. For now im happy and so is he. So why ruin it now?

We pulled up somewhere. The feeling of the ground changed dramatically. We are probably on grass.

Juice turned off the bike and got off the bike. He pulled the bag off my back gently. I didnt realise how heavy it was until he took it off me.

"Wait here. I wont be a minute... no peaking chica" he chuckled.

Moments later juice took off my helmet and blindfold. He stood infront of me so i still couldnt see what was behind him.

"Is this where you kill me Ortiz?" I joked raising an eyebrow at him as i smirked. He chuckled too and shook his head. No.

Juice stepped to the side to reveal a blanket-like den filled with pillows and blankets which was next to a small pond. There was a small stereo which play music softly in the background, cooler box and picnic basket. I turned to juipo slowly shocked that he had arranged this.

"Did you do all of this?" I whispered shocked. He nodded.

"I wanted it to be special. Wanted to top any "first dates" youve had" he said shrugging like it wasnt a big deal. There was a certain level of pain in his eyes. Obviously bothered and irritated about any dates that i have been on in the past.

"Its beats any date because its with you juice" i hugged around his torso and buried my head in his chest. "thank you" i choaked tears slightly but none escaping. No one has ever made me feel this way or made an effort to try and put a smile on my face. But juice has. Not even three days of me being home and hes made me fall completely and utterly in love with him.

"Cmom. Sit with me" he smiled as he pulled me to the floor gently.

We sat and ate our picnic and watched the stars. I shuffled over and put my head on his chest.

"Juice?" I whispered. He hummed in response. "I.. thank you... for tonight" i stuttered. I went to tell him i love him.

"Youre welcome" he turned and lay his and my head on his arm. We faced eachother, or noses practically touching.

I half sat up and took a swig of beer. I licked the residue from my lips, suddenly aware that juice was watching my toungue graze across my red lips slowly.

"Bailey..." he took a deep breathe. I stiffened frightened of what he was going to say. "I know you know that i have feelings for you. But i want you to know how deep they actually are" he spoke sitting up to face me. "Bailey. I feel so protective of you. I cant stand the though of another man touching you or you thinking of anyone else... bails when i see you my stomach does flips and i feel like im suffocating. My palms get sweaty and i just wanna be near you. If im not next to you then i feel like im forgetting something and im already terrified that im going to lose you, that you will realise you can do so much better than me. Youre beautiful. Kind and smart and you can have anyone. Im going to try so hard to not loose my chance... if i even have one.... bailey. I love you... im in love with you" he rushed breathing heavily. My heart pounded at each word that escaped his mouth in his deep voice. He sounded panicked, almost stressed.

I took a deep breathe not breaking eye contact with the terrified Puerto Rican man that stood wide eyed with his lips pursed in front of me.

"Ive loved you since the day i saw you juice. I love you more each day. Ive never felt anything remotely similar for anyone else... im actually terrified you will find someone. All the crow eaters.. they worship you juice" i chuckled. He grinned to himself. Relieved at what i had said.

"Crow eaters arent for relationships. To me crow eaters were there for when i was off my face and wanted you" he leant towards me.

"Bailey?... be mine?" Juiced asked with a sudden wave of confidence.

"Always" i grinned. 

Linger by the cranberries began to play in the background. My eyes widened and so did his. Memories flooding both our thoughts.

"This was the song that was playing in that strip club when i found you" he chuckled slightly. His face deepening in colour as he grinned to himself.

The memory of being sat in a bar. I was drinking a beer after just finishing work. Most people had left and all the dancers were gone. Even though i was security they still had me wear revealing clothing. A guy was harashing me. Id had told him i was taken and that my boyfriend was on his way to meet me for a drink, but he still wouldnt leave. Thats when juice approached me and told the guy to leave his girlfriend alone. I could still remember my stomach doing flips. We had sat drinking together catching up and then we went to my small apartment.

Juice stood up and turned up the volume slightly and stretched his hand out for me to take.

He pulled me close and swayed gently to the music that was playing.

"What were you doing in that strip club juice?" I chuckled.

"I asked around for you and... well youd already made a name for yourself. Everyone knew who you were. Didnt take me long to walk in while you were there" he smiled and buried his head in my neck. "Finding you brought me so much comfort bailey"

We stayed like this for a while and then began to make our way to the club house.

Juice stayed with me again that night but it was completely different to any night we had ever spent together. It wasnt just sex or fooling around. It was love.

Bailey "The Bullet"  Teller (UNDER EDITING)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя