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"Come to the store with me, despite what you think I miss you and I want to spend time with you" jax spoke quietly. I would never tell him in more than a passing comment but I missed Jax too. He was my best friend growing up. Wherever he was, I wasn't far behind. Unlike most older brothers, Jax didn't protest about having his baby sister follow him around, in fact, he encouraged it. A small laugh made its way out of my mouth causing Jax to look at me with a confused expression.

"brother-sister time at the store to buy smokes and condoms" I laughed harder as I made my way to my bike. Jax chuckled slightly too. We hadn't let anybody know we were leaving but the loud rumbling of our bikes snapped everyone's attention.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Juice smiling a small smile my way, and waving goodbye. I chuckled at the nerd I have come to love and waved back.

When we got to the store I waiting for my brother outside. I smoked a cigarette as I watched Jax through the window. I saw him pick up two boxes of condoms and two boxes of smokes.

I saw him picking up a children's book. It was mine and Jacksons favourite when we were babies. It so strange to me that he's going to be a dad. I turned around by the sound of sirens. In the dark morning sky shone amber glowing flames. Only a few miles out of charming. If you concentrated you could almost feel the heat radiating off of the flames that licked at the sky.

I remember that years ago we had a warehouse out in that direction. It took a moment to hit me that this was probably meant for us. After coming to my sense I poked my head through the door to see Jax smirking at the blonde girl who was serving him. She wasn't bad looking, just a bit of a try-hard with her top pulled down and layers of make-up.

"Jax... place of business still the same?" I spoke in a vague tone. The chances of us still having that building to our name was very slim. It has been the best are of ten years.

"Yeah why?" He replied, only half taking his eyes off the pretty girl who was clearly into the 'badboy' thing. I was shocked he understood what I meant.

I rolled my eyes at my brothers shitty priorities and threw my cigarette to the floor.

"C'mon Jackson!" I shouted as I made my way to my bike.


By the time we called the rest of the guys and made our way up to the warehouse, the sun had started to light the sky fully. We gathered around in a small group as we watched the officers tape of the areas.

"What the fuck happened?" I whispered.

"Mayans" Clay replied. Everyone grumbled in agreement. Seems like the score between us and the wetback never got settled. I payed close attention the cops. They were not removing any guns from the building.

"Well the filthy twats took the guns too" I whispered to the guys.

"twats?" Chibs questioned with a chuckle.

"too much time in Ireland, even picked up the god forsaken accent" I laughed. It was true, when I left Charming I had a strong American accent, very Californian . but by the time I got back I ended up having some weird mix of American and Irish. Guess it came from putting on an accent while I was away.

I wondered over to juice, he stood cross-armed with his legs apart and his shoulders back. His attempt to look tough. He caught a look at me in the corner of his eye and smirked slightly.

"Should we go track these guns? Since we are the smart ones and all" i asked juice laughing. He nodded. I walked over to opie to let him know we were going. Everyone else had split off around the area by now and to be honest I couldn't be arsed to walk everywhere.

"Me and juice are gonna starts tracking them let the guys know" i whispered to the giant lumberjack and he nodded.

I put on my helmet and sat on my bike. Me and juice pulled out slowly since there were cops watching us. As soon as they couldnt see us we took off back to the club house as fast as we could.

Once we got there we pulled out our laptops and and came up with a plan.

"Right. Ill take public servailence cameras and get a reg number and a face of the cunt who did this. You run a background check of who is in the veichal and start looking into weaknesses. Sound good?" I spoke quickly and i put a pair of glasses on. Juice was just looking at me blankly. "Juice?" I laughed

'Yeah.. mm.. sorry. You look adorable with glasses on" he blushed a little.

I felt my face go red and i started hacking the security footage from near the fire. No one uses that road so it would be easy to spot the assholes.

After about five minutes i was in to the footage. I looked at the time five minutes before the fire had started. A black van with tinted windows rushed onto the scene then, not even five minutes later it rushed back out. I paused the footage on a frame with the reg and his face in shot. I ran a ID check on the guy and his name popped up on my screen.

"Okay juice. Thats his name and the reg plate. Ill keep tracking cameras and see where he ends up" i spoke confidently. I used to do this stuff for cops in England.

Juice nodded smirking.

"Whats with the smirk?" I asked laughing.

"Its just hot to see you doing this stuff" he chuckled.

"Youre one to talk" i flirted winking.

I looked back at my computer and kept tracking the van. It was only about a mile away when it pulled up to a small warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

I also got footage of the Mayan leader watching over his crew unloading our guns.

I printed out a few shots and juice printed a few documents.

I picked up my phone and called clay.

"We got 'em. Its 100 percent mayan" i said and he just said okay and hung up.

"So when did you get into this stuff?" Juice asked me as we packed away our computers and images.

"I was in England unemployed, singing in bars taught myself coding and hacking. Then went off to college and did online security courses. Thats when i did nursing" i explained.

"You were singing in bars?" He asked smiling.

"Yeah. I went in with a guitar with me. Manager asked if i could fill in for his musican since he had to go home sick" i laughed a little.

"Sing for me?" He asked pulling my body to his.

"Maybe another time. I get nervous singing infront of people i know" i blushed. He bent down a little and placed a soft kiss on my lips i pushed back a little. Our lips moving in sync

Bailey "The Bullet"  Teller (UNDER EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora