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I left the room with Chibs. Awaiting the 'talk' I was about to get about starting something with the VP's baby sister. I know it seems like a bad idea, and it could bring some internal beef to the club if I were to ever hurt her for some reason, but I really don't plan to. I want it to go somewhere, I don't want me and her to just be sleeping together. Since the day I met her, I've wanted her to be mine. And finally, it kinda looks like it could head that way.

"You really think that fooling around with jackies wee sister is good idea laddy?" Chibs asked in his thick Scottish accent. Chibs has always been the closest thing I had to a father. He sponsored me and has always been there for everything, no matter how big or how small. We had the conversation about Bailey seven years ago. I had been here for a week and he found us in my dorm with her playing shitty video games, she was wearing my t-shirt and boxers because it had been pouring down with rain when we went for a Costco run. Naturally Chibs assumed the worst and grabbed me by the cut and pulled me out of the room to get a fucking bollocking. Since that day he has known how I have felt about her.

"Its not like that. I really care about her man. You have always known that" I reminded him, we had stopped in the hall and Chibs was looking at me. Trying to find any evidence of me lying on my face.

Chibs let out a deep sigh in defeat and ran his hand along his head, a clear sign that he is stressed about the situation I could be putting myself in. From day one Bailey 'The Bullet' Teller has been a no-go for everyone in or around the club. It didn't even have to be established, It was just public knowledge.

"I know boyo but those bruises on her are bad. Did she not tell you to stop?" He asked, whisper-yelling at me. He is like a worried dad now. Clearly not wanting to go against his VP and prez, in their wishes to keep Bailey restricted property.

"No. Neither of us realised how hard we were going... we were both stoned. Both pissed and just wanted to... have each other again. A lot of frustration. anger... I guess, was let out" I tried to explain myself. "I feel awful for marking her Chibs. It looks like I hit her" I put my head down.

Chibs lay a firm hand on my shoulder and look one last look at my eyes. A small smile crept onto his face, I guess he can see how I feel. Chibs knows that I could never hurt someone I care about, never mind a woman I have been in love with for the past nine years.

"See now laddie. What I don't get is how your cock isn't hurting" Chibs joked, trying to make light of the situation.

"It fucking is man" I laughed along with the crazy old-Scott I call my brother.

"Its okay. Get your girl to kiss it better for you lad... you got yourself a keeper there though juicey. Absolutely gorgeous. Understands the club. Adores you. Banging body... and now we know she can take a pounding" he laughed.

He is right. I got myself a keeper. All I needed was someone to listen and not jump down my throat about me falling for her.


After my talk with my mother I grabbed two pharmacy bags and ventured down to the bar area of the clubhouse. That was where I was greeted with a load of grown men groaning and downing water a coffee in a desperate attempt to sober themselves up.

"What are you doing?" Tigg asked in terror, as I lined up shot glasses for all the guys and myself.

"Hangover cure" I winked. I reached into the pharmacy bag and pulled out two pill tubs and dropped two of each into each shot glass.

"Right everyone take a glass" I laughed and took one for myself and swallowed the pills. "Now put the glasses out in a straight line" I said smirking.

I reached to the top shelf of the bar and pulled down a litre bottle of tequila. That when everyone lost their shit and started shouting 'No' at me.

"Bailey we can't stomach it" Bobby whined as he clutched his head.

"No. Look I promise it'll help. Tricks your body into thinking you're gonna carry on drinking again. Makes it fix itself. The tablets were Advil and stomach settlers. The mixture should settle you for a few hours at least" I explained then took my shot.

I went outside, leaving all the guys to cautiously follow my lead and take their shots, and lit a cigarette. I saw jax sitting on a picnic bench. I went over and sat by him.

I took a deep breath and began to speak.

"We were drunk and stoned... Couldn't feel how hard we were being" I said bluntly. I took a drag of my cigarette and saw him shoot daggers at me.

"Why were you stoned? I told you to share it. It shouldn't have numbed you out" He growled.

"Me and juice shared a few" i admitted.

"Perfect. You get high and let some guy fuck you until you are fucking black and blue. Just cause he was the first person to look your way back in Charming" he shouted. "Why don't you go open your legs for tigg then come back looking like you've been jumped"

"You know its not fucking like that jax. You know I love juice, we spoke about this almost ten fucking years ago. You also know I WILL do what and who I like when I fucking like so stop the possessive brother act and let me make my own fucking decisions and mistakes " I hissed back. I was truly hurt about how selfish he was being about this. When I fell for Juice I told Jax first. He said he didn't like it because I was only young and he said to wait until I was a bit older. I've done that and it still don't feel like its good enough. "I get it, I did what you asked and waited, but I guess nothing I ever can do will be good enough for good ol' prince charming, aye?" I continued, hurt clear in my voice.

Jax looked straight at me and his face softened.

"it's not that you aren't good enough. It's that he isn't. no guy will ever be good enough for you Bailey, you can meet someone who doesn't use blood money to pay his bills. Someone who will want to give you a kid and a safe home" Jax tried to defend himself. "You have no idea how much it pisses me off to know that my Brotha and my baby sister were fucking each other black and blue three doors down from me... Bailey, Juice, he cant give you a normal life"

" I'm a Teller. We don't do mundane lives Jackson. And as for your issue about your 'Brotha' and 'BABY' sister. That's not my problem. It's yours" I spoke bluntly, stating facts. Threw my cigarette to the ground and turned away to walk back into the clubhouse.

I saw my mother stood in the doorway, clearly she heard everything.

Bailey "The Bullet"  Teller (UNDER EDITING)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant