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I woke up to the sound of my shower being turned off. I sat up and looked around. Memories from last night flooding my mind as I saw clothes and bed sheets all over the floor. I spent the night with juice. A small blush rose onto my cheeks and a smile played on my lips.

I still haven't told him how I feel about him. As I sat up to the numbing ache of my body throbbing. Should've remembered how rough he can be.

I put on his t-shirt that I found on my floor and picked out some clothes for the day. Ripped denim shorts, a SAMCRO tank top, Reaper Crew baseball cap and my bike boots. I threw it all on the bed and moved mine and Juices clothes from last night into the laundry basket.

I turned around and saw Juice coming out of my bathroom. He was wrapping a towel around his torso. His eyes met mine and he froze. My eyes scanned over his body. He had hickeys and scratches over his neck and chest


Before I knew what I was doing I was right next to him.

"Juice I'm so sorry.... does it hurt?" I asked quietly whilst I ran my fingers over the deepest scratch.

"No...I....I'm sorry. I was gonna leave before you woke up" he rushed.

I felt a pang of pain in my chest. Why did he want to rush off?

"Why?" I asked trying to mask the pain in my voice. He could tell I sounded hurt

"I shouldn't have made a move when you were drunk. You probably didn't want that to happen" he defended himself. A small smile found its way onto my lips. Its sweet that that has worried him.

"I didn't plan it. But I made the first move. You were drunk too juice. If you didn't want this then it's on my head too.... I know I wanted this to happen last night. I'm sorry if you didn't" the thought that Juice didn't want this to happen like that stung a little. Some of the things he said last night, just made me think it might have been headed somewhere

"No. I did want it and I don't regret it. I just don't want things to be weird" he explained.

"It won't be weird juice. It's me and you, no need for it to be weird... look there's some more of your tops in my bag. Maybe a pair of boxers too. If you want to change while I go for a shower. I won't be long" I suggested and he nodded. I grabbed a black lace bra and underwear to match and went and got in the shower.

I rushed washing and shaving my body. Then I washed my hair and hopped out. I quickly dried my body with the towel and half dried my hair and put on my underwear and brushed my teeth.

I went back into the room where juice was drying my hair with the towel. He was laying on the bed in his boxers. When he saw me, he jumped up and put his hand to his mouth in shock. Fear and guilt in his eyes. I stood looking at him with my eyebrows knitted together, completely unaware of what he's looking at.

"Jax is gonna kill me" he spoke bluntly.

"What? Do I have a hickey?!" I gasped and ran to the mirror which was in the bathroom.

"How did you not see the bruises bailey!" He said as he chased me into the bathroom.

Shit. I had hickeys all over my neck. Hand prints on my shoulders wrists and collar bone. I looked down at my stomach and legs. Bruises on my inner thighs and hips. I even had finger prints on my ass.

Looks like I will be rethinking my outfit today. Looks like jeans, Tshirt and a leather jacket. In the middle of summer in California. Yeah people are gonna know somethings up.

"Do you hurt?" He asked sadly, breaking me from my thoughts. He was now stood behind me facing the mirror, he looked really upset.

"I can handle it" I lied, with a reassuring smile. But the truth is my whole body throbbed, I just don't want him hurting for something that cant be changed.

He frowned.

"I can't tell you how sorry I am. I never meant to hurt you. I was just..." he stopped speaking.

"It was just frustration from me leaving?" I asked quietly. He nodded

"It's okay juice. Look at the scratches on you, I felt it too. I don't know. I think I just wanted you again. Juicey honestly, I'm fine You haven't always done this. Anyway, it was a good night" I reassured, I was now facing him my hand on the side of his face. Most people would be mad if a guy did this to them but I find it so hard to be mad a juice, sometimes things slip his mind and he just forgets. When he was prospecting a lot of the guys would call him an idiot, juice would just laugh it off but it used to piss me off more than anything.

I stood on my toes and lightly kissed his lips. "I need to tell you something" he nodded. He looked slightly worried. "Don't worry. You'll like it" I laughed.

We went back into the bedroom juice quickly pulled on his jeans and through on a hoodie and put the hood up. We sat on the bed crossed legged facing each other. Juice had his back to the door. Juice was fidgeting with the sleeve of his hoodie, obviously worried about something.

"Okay. I need to ask... do you remember everything you said to me last night?... even our lil argument?" I asked softly. He nodded.

"Is this about me saying I fell for you?" He asked nervously. I nodded.

"Did you mean it? That you had feeling for me?" I sounded worried. I could make such an idiot of myself at any second. Juice looked straight at me.

"Have" he spoke confidently. "I HAVE feelings for you.... they never left" he admitted and he looked away, clearly expecting a rejection.

"Juan?" His head shot up at the use of his real name. "I've always felt the same" I smiled at him.

He lunged at me and started kissing me gently. He pushed me down lightly so he was on top of me. He held my face with one hand and I had my arms around his neck. The kiss wasn't headed anywhere, we just lay laughing slightly and smiling into the kiss.

And just like always, here at the clubhouse, the door swung open.

Bailey "The Bullet"  Teller (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now