babies and c-sections

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Tara rushed down and followed wendy who was being pushed into a operation room.

"We will have to perform an emergency c-section. How are you related?" She asked me

"Im the auntie of the baby... its jax's" i replied. She nodded and carried on into the room.

Tara was around alot when i was younger. She was jax's high school sweetheart. I really liked tara. My mom didnt. When tara left my mom couldnt have been happier.

I took a seat in the waiting room. It wasnt long until my mom showed up. Jax and the guys a few minutes later.

"Whats happening?" Jax asked me 

"Found her unconcious. She had a fit after taking an overdose and shooting up her arm" i explained.

"Is the baby okay?" He rushed.

" not a midwife" i spoke softly.

"Was he moving?" He spoke harsher.

I didnt respond.

"Was he moving!" He shouted.

"No jax... that doesnt mean hes not okay. Babies stop moving all the time" i tried to comfort him.

Jax turned around and started walking away.

"Where are you going jax?" I sighed and walked after him.

"Im gonna find her fucking dealer. Keep me updated" he snapped and carried on walking.

I went and sat back in my seat. Juice came and sat by me 

"You okay lass?" Chibs asked from across the room.

"Yeah. Just nervous i guess..... shook up too. I always hated dealing with druggies and overdoses" i forced a chuckle.

"You dont have to force a laugh. We know its not nice sweetheart" tig added.

Juice put his hand on my thigh a squeezed slightly. I put my hand on his.

Everyone stayed quiet until tara came out. I rushed over to her

"Is he okay?" I spoke quietly.

"Hes alive" she replied gently. "He wouldnt have made it if you hadnt made her sick" she smiled a little

My mom came over.

"Tara.... is he okay?" She spoke bluntly. I shot daggers at my mom. Tara just save her grandchild and all she can be is rude.

"He has a tare in his abdomen and a heart defect. We will be operating shortly" tara explained.

I went a little dizzy from fear. I held onto the wall and took a few deep breaths.

Tig came over.

"Bailey... clay called. We have to go to the chapel. He said he wants you there" he explained. I nodded.

"Mom i will be back later. Then you go home and i will stay with the baby after theatre... thank you Tara i will be back soon okay?"  They both nodded and i walked off with the guys.

I didnt speak and just got on my bike and pulled off.

The baby has a really low survival rate. I want to be with him as much as i can.

I was at the club house first i parked my bike next to jax's. I got off my bike and stormed inside the chapel and took my old seat.

Bailey "The Bullet"  Teller (UNDER EDITING)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum