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That's just another picture of my character Mercutio played by my baby Dane Dehaan.


Mercutio sat next to Alicia at lunch and Danny sat next to me. I wondered why they changed positions all of a sudden, but the Big Bang Theory sweatshirt on Alicia's back gave me all the answers I needed. Danny came up with me when I got my lunch in the lunch line, and I asked him to fill me in as soon as he could. Even though he was Mercutio's best...well, only friend, he couldn't tell me. He didn't know anything.

"I'm just as shocked as you are. Last I heard, she liked Tyler."

"I'm glad she's focusing her attention on someone else, though. It's good for her."

Danny sucked on his teeth and fixed his blonde hair. The line moved a little slower than I expected and I tried tiny best to see what the hold up was. "So.. do you like anyone?" He asked cautiously and rocked on his heels.

"I used to like Dane but he showed his ass yesterday so he's off the market. Or, I'm off his market." I shook my head. "I'm trying to see life through my own eyes. Without anyone's help. You, Danny Boy?" When I looked at him, his lips curled into a tiny smile and he reached up to rub it off. I bit the inside of my cheek and tucked some hair behind my ear as I waited for him to reply.

"There's this girl in our geometry class." He smiled when he spoke and his face lit up. Danny was a really cute guy, but I could tell girls didn't bother talking to him because he was the nice guy. That's what every girl does. "She doesn't know I exist though." I could hear the pain laced in his voice and I frowned, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"What's her name?"

"I'm not telling you," he laughed nervously and shook my hand off, stepping a few steps forward in the line and looking around the lunch room. "She doesn't know I exist so what's the point."

"Oh come onnnnn. Blake? Jennifer? Tell me Danny, please. I want to be your matchmaker. I'll set you guys up and host your little dates-"

He began to playfully groan and he squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment. "I should've never told you."

When I got my sandwich we walked back over to the table to see Mercutio and Alicia the way we left them. Alicia was never big on pda and Mercutio was socially awkward; the only thing he could talk about started with the phrase "in recent studies...". He never showed any emotion other than sarcasm and humor. Alicia did the same. Both of them were perfect for each other. "It's pretty warm outside, Alicia. Is there some reason why you're wearing his sweatshirt?"

"I have low iron levels."

Danny cut my sandwich in half and took the side with the most meat. "And we have low-toleration-to-bullshit levels. Spit it out."

"Did you know that younger women are more susceptible to anemia due to their menstrual cycle? The loss of blood can lead to anemic conditions." Mercutio cleared his throat and his voice cracked a total of five times. It amused me that he'd rather talk about periods than the obvious blooming relationship between him and Alicia. I didn't mind, when they were ready, they'd talk about it.

Or maybe Danny and I brought it to life without the two of them knowing themselves. Fuck.


"I think I outed Mercutio's crush on Alicia." I told Harry as we walked to the parking lot together, his keys jangling as he swung them around his index finger. He unlocked his car door and opened the trunk, putting his book bag in and silently asking for mine.

"Who are those two?"

I blew a strand of hair out of my face and gave him my book bag, breathing heavily in the humid air. "Mercutio is the one who looks like a recovering meth addict and Alicia is the one with the blonde hair."

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