Chapter 42 (Cal POV)

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I'm trying to figure out a way to ditch her. Leave her here without her thinking it was intentional. I'm getting the weirdest feelings from her. It almost seems like she's building up to something. But I can't tell what. She wants us to move away from the palace, for my mental health. She thinks the country will be better for me. Since when does she know me? We met in a bar once and I called her up and invited her to an awkward weekend in the palace that we were thrown out of. That doesn't mean anything. I wish there was a polite way to tell her to piss off and leave me alone. But there isn't and I'm a gentleman. Besides, she probably has money. We can find somewhere to stay more permanently so I can figure out what I'm going to do. I haven't thought about what Mare said since she said it. I pushed it out of my head and decided to ignore it. But I can't ignore it forever. Eventually, I'll have to face it, come to terms with it, and move on. She doesn't love me anymore.

Omg thank you guys so much for 100 votes and 4K reads. Y'all are the best! 😘 As always thanks for reading! - Just Jules

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