Chapter 21: Wine and Dine

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We all practically bolted inside the building as the doors fully opened, still shocked that they actually did open.

"You cover the back." My daddy says to T-Dog as we look around.

"Hello? Hello?" Rick calls as we enter what looks like a lobby.

"Watch those doors." Dale warns.

"Watch for Walkers!" T-Dog adds.

"Hello?" Rick says as we wonder through the lobby. Rick spots something coming down the stairs, raising his gun at it. We all follow suit as the figure moves closer to us, into the light. It's a man, a living man, with a gun and it's aimed towards us.

"Anybody infected?" He yells, eyes scanning over our group.

"One of our group was." Rick answers. "He didn't make it."

"Why are you here? What do you want?" The man questions walking closer to us.

"A chance." Rick answers.

"That's asking an awful lot these days." The man says.

"I know." Rick sighs. The man looks around at all of us carefully and questionably.

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission."

"We can do that." Rick nods. Shit! Needles, I hate needles.

"You got stuff to bring in, you do it now." The man says lowering his gun. "Once this door closes, it stays closed." All the men run to the cars and bring our supplies, as Glenn and I watch for walkers. Once all our bags are in, T-Dog and Dale close the doors.

"Vi, seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here." Once the man says it, the steel doors lowers and blocks us from the outside and the lights go off.

"Rick Grimes." Rick says holding his hand out.

"Dr. Edwin Jenner." The man we now know as Dr. Jenner says shaking his hand. We follow him as he walks back down the hall he came from, an elevator waiting at the end. I more or less limp along, pain running through me every step as the adrenaline rush fades.

"You alright?" My daddy asks, placing a hand on my lower back causing me to wince. Swiftly, he crouches down and picks me up bridal style, carrying me as he follows the others. A scowl evident on my face from his actions as we're the last to step into the elevator. I don't know how it's possible, but all of us, and our supplies fit inside as Dr. Jenner closes the door.

"Doctors always go around packing heat like that?" My daddy says looking at Dr. Jenner's gun.

"There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself." He jokes. "But you look harmless enough." He says, looking around the elevator. "Except you." He adds, nodding towards Carl. "I'll have to keep my eye on you." He jokes making some of us smile a little. Once the awkward elevator ride is done we follow Dr. Jenner down a long hallway.

"Are we underground?" Carol asks, looking up the walls.

"Are you claustrophobic?" Dr. Jenner asks.

"A little..."

"Try not to think about it." Once we get to the end of the never ending hallway, we enter a huge room with no lights on.

"Vi, bring up the lights in the big room." And just like that there's power.

"Cool." I say. My daddy lightly places me onto of a desk to sit on as the others spread out in the small area.

"Welcome to zone 5." Dr. Jenner announces as we continue to walk.

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