"And she hit you in the back?" August said. He was holding back for Kaylee but I could tell he was beyond pissed.

"Yes...she...she hit me with the switch on my back..."

"Is that all she did?"

"Yes..." she cried harder.

"Cydney..." August looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

Is he gonna cry?

"I'm gonna kill her..." I mumbled.

"I'm gonna go run Kaylee a bath and then we'll talk about it." he kissed my cheek and started walking towards the door with Kaylee.

"Wait.." I said. I noticed blood on the bottom of Kaylee's pant leg.

"What?" August turned. He looked to where is was staring and sighed. He slowly sat her down and reached for her pants. She quickly backed away and stared at him. He smiled through his tears and held out his arms.

"Come here baby girl, I promise not to hurt you." he smiled wider. I smiled at this moment, I never seen him like this.

She slowly and hesitantly walked to him. He pulled her into his lap and kissed her cheek, before carefully pulling her pants off. There were two deep gashes at her ankles. They were fresh and still bleeding.

"Oh God!" I couldn't take it anymore. I let this happen. I let her hurt Kaylee...I'm to blame! Cynthia will never see Kaylee again and I will go to the end of the earth if I have to to make sure of it.

"Kaylee, who did this?" August's voice shook.


"Ok, Let's go get you in the tub to make the pain stop." August carried her away.


"What did you put in her bath?" I asked, preparing the first aid kit so I could patch up Kaylee when she's done.

"Oatmeal to sooth her skin, Peroxide to kill some of those germs, Sensitive skin soap to help the healing process, and her Frozen bubble bath to make her feel better and make this seem less scary." he sat beside me.

"Thank you." I hugged him tight.

"No problem, I told you I would do anything for you two." he smiled and pecked my lips.

"August! Auntie Cydney!" Kaylee yelled from upstairs.

"I'll go get her." he kissed my cheek and went upstairs. He eventually came back with her in a robe and a towel wrapped around her wet hair.

"Hey baby girl!" I smiled and grabbed her from him, laying her on the table where I had blankets and pillows.

"Hey." she managed to smile.

I put on her favorite movie, Frozen of course. She sang the song and August smiled. I turned up the heat and got started.

I took the robe off and put on her favorite underwear. I rubbed baby lotion all over her, careful to avoid the bruises. I then threw a pink blanket over her body and went to work on her ankles that dripped blood every now and then.

"August, this is gonna hurt her.." I shook with the alcohol bottle in my hands.

"Calm down, she'll be better afterwards. I'll keep her calm." he stood next to her and grabbed her hands.

"Kaylee," he started.

"Yeah?" she looked up at him. 

"This is gonna hurt a little bit, ok?"

"No!" she started to cry.

"Shh, I'm gonna be right here with you." he assured her. She got quiet and focused on the movie.

I slowly poured the alcohol on and she screamed. I started to cry as I did it. Lord knows I don't want her to go through any more pain.

"Done." I sighed in relief. I wiped it away and got prepared for the next step.

"Stitches next." I sighed.

"Is it gonna hurt?" Kaylee said, still crying.

"No." I smiled. She gave me a thumbs up, which made August laugh.

I carefully ran the needle across her ankle. I wrapped bandages all up and down her legs. When I was done she looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you Auntie Cydney."

"Anything for you, baby girl." I smiled back.

"What now?" she asked as August helped her sit up.

"We have to work on your back." August said.


I carefully rubbed cortisone on the cuts and she remained calm. When it was time for me to bandage it, she got tense. August gave her her favorite pink and purple teddy bear, Ozzie and she held him tight. I wrapped it around her and she sighed as I finished.

"Auntie Cydney, you done now?" she asked.

"Yes, now lets get you dressed." I smiled.I helped her stand and I pulled on her purple sweat pants and matching hoodie. I took off the towel from her hair and blow dried her black curls. She sat holding Ozzie as I pulled her hair into a bun and placed a purple bow beside it.

"There, don't you look pretty?" I held up my mirror. She smiled and nodded.

"August." she stood and wobbled over to him. He caught her and lifted her up.

"You feel better, baby girl?" He smiled.

"Yes, I'm sleepy." she rubbed her eyes.

"It is time for her nap." I looked at the clock and it was 3pm.

"Ok, you wanna stay down here?"


"Ok." he laughed as she laid across his lap. She fell asleep as I was making lunch.

Midnight Thriller: An August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now