Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter 23 -EDITED-(yey)

Three long, agonizing months and 28 days later...


"Oh my God!" Alex squealed like a little girl.

They've been doing that for a while now, screaming like little girls.

And I was supposed to be the only girl in this band. I chuckled at my own thought. "Get up, Scar! Join the party!" Johann (a/n: the bassist) grinned with arms wide open. With more encouragement from Josh and Sam, I laughed along with them happily and also started squealing excitedly.

And then I started coughing like crazy, ruining the glorious moment. "Shit," I wheezed.

Josh came up to me and patted my back. "You should take it easy," he sighed.

I looked at him and grinned, "Yeah."

"Don't believe that she will," Alex warned sternly, his perfectly, yet manly shaped eyebrows, furrowed. I rolled my eyes and gave him a bored look. "Maybe you're the one who should take it easy, Alex." He's been fussing over me for the past few months and was looking like he's aged years since that night Sarah decided to leave.


She still hasn't called since then. I stopped restraining myself after four weeks and gave in a couple of times. I sent her a few short messages through snail mail-telling her how much I missed her... every single letter returned, unopened, unread.

I almost jumped when someone touched my arm gently. "She'll call." Alex smiled.

I forced a smile and shrugged.



I knew Scar was still unsure whether or not Sarah still wanted to be with her. Heck, who wouldn't be unsure, eh? Almost four months of no contact? That's why I just refuse to be in a relationship. I'm too good looking anyway. We wouldn't want to waste all these (check out my abs baby) with just one guy who probably wouldn't stay loyal huh?

Anyway, enough about that sappy shit! I guess you all want to know why we were so damn happy. We just had news that we were going to play at the Warped Tour 2012. Fucking awesome, right!? RIGHT!? To top it all off, we're going to share the same stage with The Maine and The Foo Fighters! The fucking Foo Fighters! And The Maine! Again, I feel like squealing like a little fucking girl.

"Hey Alex," Johann called. "You alright?"

Raising an eyebrow, I replied, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're having this scary glint in your eyes..." Pausing for dramatic effect, Johann placed his hands on either side of his face. "...while-while staring at the wall man!" He continued in mock horror.

I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and punched his arm. Josh, who was sitting right beside me, laughed at the little exchange and nudged me in the ribs. "Excited?"

Sending Johann one last glare, I shouted, "Hell yeah!"

And this started another episode of excited yells throughout Riley's upgraded (due to the success of the band) office.

Scar excused herself and walked out, probably going to the smoking area of the lobby. She started smoking a month after waiting and worrying sick about Sarah. But it didn't affect her health in any way(A/N: Fiction. Guys, this is fiction. Smoking's bad for your health). In fact, it helped as a form of therapy. Though the doctor suggested she only smoke no more than two to five sticks a day, which was a little hard for her first but got through it with all of our help.

Three hours later...


I dressed up with my usual attire as Brandon and was smoking my last stick for the day at the back of the venue when overly excited fans approached me, holding pens and cameras.

"Oh my God."

"Brandon, can I have a picture with you?" A very white, pixie-haired, pretty brunette with a leather jacket asked. I could've sworn she was drooling.

I nodded and watched as she handed the Polaroid to one of her friends and frantically posed next to me. Her friend counted to three and I gave my usual smile.


"Thank you," she gushed.

"Thank you," I replied politely, giving her my sweetest smile.

The same process happened with the other fans and when I was about to leave, the pixie-haired girl asked me to sign the photo her friend just took.

"Want me to put a message?" I asked, grinning widely.

She almost jumped up with excitement, I could tell. "Um, can you put, 'Happy Birthday Emma'?" Ah, she managed to sound normal.

I hugged her first before saying, "Happy Birthday then." I wrote it quickly, noticing that we had to do sound check in thirty minutes. I gave them a salute. "It was nice meeting all of you! See you at the show."

"Bye Brandon!"

"See you!"

"Thanks for the picture and autograph!"


I gave them one last grin before waving goodbye and walking closing the door behind me.

Jack, the security was furious.

"You were outside all this time?!"

I simply shrugged and headed to the dressing room. "They're fans, not a bunch of morons." I heard the security groan but didn't say anything. 

I opened the door to the dressing room, expecting the excited faces of my band mates, only to be greeted by the person who haunted my dreams.

In person.

Not a dream.

It was not a dream.

a/n First one to comment gets a dedication! I don't wanna put long author's notes anymore so...FAN?

One Direction's taking over my life now... that's why the music("Taken") on the side's by them. Okay, bye! I gotta catch up on some ZzzZzzz's...

Brandon (GXG)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz