🐾Triangle of Love🐾

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Pythor x reader x Skales
Your p.o.v
I was walking through (h/t) taking a midnight stroll. Almost every night I do this to see the stars. As I walked through the streets I looked into the sky singing (f/s) (favorite song). As I sang a large shadow suddenly appeared behind me.

Turning around a hand wrapped around my neck and dragged me into an alley. I opened my eyes to see a gang of 6 men. They were all bigger than me and only 3 were equiped with a knives. I struggled in the guys grip who I presume to be the leader.

He tightened his grip freezing me in place. His blue eyes pierced into my (e/c) ones. He smirked as he could possibly see the fear in them. "Well boys I think we might have some fun tonight~" I struggled more whimpering for air.

He barely loosened his grip and started reaching under my (f/c) shirt. I growled lowly and bit his hand with my fangs drawing blood. He dropped me cursing. I backed away from him looking for a way out.

I found an opening but I might get cut on the way. "Feisty *pulls put knife* I like that~" He and his friends started to corner me. I duck passed the leader and jumped onto the dumpster. As I jumped through the air again one of them threw their knife.

I yelped in pain as the knife dug into my left thigh. When I landed I ended up rolling onto the deserted road. The knife came out and skidded to a stop away from me. The gang walked towards me as I got up and started limp running.

The gang started chasing me as I ran faster. After a few minutes of turning corners I ran into someone. I winced in pain as I looked up. My (e/c) eyes met with red spiraled and violet eyes. I realized that they were the Hypnobrai general and the snake King. A fuzzy feeling went in my heart.

I ignored the feeling and looked up at them pleadingly, got on my knees, and started begging. "Please can you help me. There is a gang trying to r-rape me." They looked at me surprised and started thinking. My ears turned back as I could hear faint footsteps can be heard.

I hurriedly went over to the snake king and wrapped my arms around him shaking. My tail was tucked between my legs while my ears were pinned back all in fear. The king and general started talking and then nodded.

As the footsteps got louder I started to feel dizzy. I opened my eyes to see the outlines of everything around me. I looked at the snake king who motioned me to stay quiet. The gang members then ran around the corner yelling.

I dug my face in the king's shoulder shaking furiously, feeling a slight heat radiating off his face. A few seconds of a rattling sound went by and then the gang yelled in fear. I could hear their retreating footsteps. Opening my eyes I could see correctly again.

"What h-happened?" "I ussed my powersss to make uss invisible." "And I ssscared them by faking that I wass going to hypnotize them." I stood up and let go of the snake king. "Thank you. What are your names?" "I am Pythor P. Chumsworth." "And I am Skales."

"Those are cool names. My names (y/n)." There was a slight blush on their faces. "Well I need to get going." I started walking away when Skales stopped me. "But you are hurt. Come with usss and we can help you." As I walked back I started to feel dizzy. Skales caught me before I could fall.

He lifted me up and carried me bridal style. I lightly blushed as Pythor glared at him. Tiredly I wrapped my arms around Skales and let darkness take me, dreaming of two snakes that saved me.

Skales p.o.v
(y/n) wrapped her arms around me as I held her. I could feel Pythor's eyes glaring right through me. A blush creeped onto my face as we made our way to Ouroboros. How her (h/l) (h/c) hair matched with her (e/c) eyes and (s/t) skin matched perfectly. And her angel like voice tops it off.

~~~Small Timeskip~~~
After finishing wrapping (y/n)'s thigh I layed her on a spare bed in a open room. When I left the room I was greeted with an angry Pythor. He pulled me away from (y/n)'s door into different room.

"It would be a great pleasure of you ssstay away from (y/n)." I looked at him angrily. "No. I'm not going to ssstay away from her." "You know as well asss me that we both can't have her." "Then how about a bet." "What type of bet?"

"We get to try and get (y/n) to love usss. Whoever she choosesss getssss to have her." "Deal." We shook hands and went seperate ways.

Pythor and Skales p.o.v
"Don't worry (y/n). You will fall for me one way or another."

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