Fangtom's Date

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Sorry about this late update. I had a lot of stuff to do that involved school and sports. And I barely had time for my phone.

I have been excited all day for my date. But also all day I have been acting weird. When I went to the store to get groceries I realized that I bought the things I needed at 'home' and another cart full of meats.

I thought that was strange because I only do that on the nights of the full moon. But when I checked my phone it didn't say anything about having a full moon today. I picked out some jeans and a (f/c) hoodie.

I jogged to the tree Fangtom and I were supposed to meet at. As I jogged I looked up. The clouds in the sky made it difficult to see the moon. When I looked back down towards the tree I stopped in my tracks.

Fangtom was leaning against a red Lamborghini Venovo. I squealed in my head and ran over to them. Fang and Tom's heads turned my way and they smiled. I smiled back and hugged them feeling their arms around me.

After our hug we climbed into the car. "So where are we going?" I asked tilting my head. "We are going to the-mossst beautiful part of the forest." "Cool. How long will it take to get their?" "About half-an hour."

We got into the car and started driving. Fang would look at me from time to time but I would pretend that I wouldn't notice. I turned on the music and bobbed my head to the beat. After a little bit the car stopped at the edge of a clearing.

I jumped out of the car excitedly and started to look around. All around were clear hill's and a lien Oak tree at the top of the biggest hill. Fangtom put a blindfold over my eyes saying, "Trusssst usss we know-what we're doing."

I leaned against him as he lead me over towards the lone Oak tree. As we walked I could feel myself starting to shift. I forced myself to not shift as I could sense Fangtom looking at me.

When we reached the top of the hill we were currently on Fangtom took off the blindfold. I looked around and found myself facing the way we came from. I turned around as Fangtom motioned me to.

I gasped at how everything was thoughtfully placed. Under the tree was a small picnic. Our favorite foods were placed in the middle of the blanket. Behind the tree was a large pond with the reflection  of the moom and stars in it.

My tail had trouble wagging in the jeans I was wearing. I looked back at Fangtom and smiled widely at him. He smiled back and we walked together to the picnic.

We sat down next to each other and started eating. We kept up small talk and told each other funny stories that happened in our lives. As we talked I could feel my inner wolf wanting me to shift.

Every time that happened I would stop myself and focus on Fangtom. When we were done eating we went to the pond and started looking into the water. I watched as the fish swam away  from me.

I was about to back away from the water when I was  shoved forward. I let out a yelp as I was met with cold water. When I surfaced I could see Fangtom laughing hysterically. Luckily my (f/c) hoodie was tight around  my head, or my wolf ears would have been seen.

I inwardly smiled as I crept up on the laughing Fangtom. When I was close enough I grabbed his tail and dragged him into the water. He tried to get out of my grip but that didn't help him.

I made sure that I pulled them under for a second before releasing them. When I surfaced I sat down and looked at the moon. It was almost midnight and I could tell I would have to leave soon.

As I was in my own thoughts I hadn't realized that Fangtom had gotten out of the water. They slithered up to me ready to scare me but stopped. I blinked a few times as they waved their left hand in my face.

When I looked at them they had a confused look on their faces. I tilted my head saying, "What's wrong? Is their something on my face?" "No it'sss jusssst-your eyesss." "What's wrong with them?" "There-glowing."

I immediately stood up and walked back over to the pond. I looked into the water and yelped when I noticed that my eyes were a light (e/c). Turning around I saw that Fangtom had a look of concern written on their faces.

I hesitantly took a step back into the water. Fangtom slithered closer to me. I hope I don't regret this: I thought in the knee deep water. I looked into both Fang and Tom's eyes and then ran/swam into the deeper water. 

When I was deep enough in the pond I swam as far as I could under water. Letting myself shift underwater I started swimming mindlessly in a random direction. I was underwater for a little bit until I felt pebbles underneath my paws.

Slowly I walked out of the water not being able to see through my fur. I shook my fur dry hoping to be far from Fangtom. But I froze when I heard Fangtoms familiar voice behind me, "Isss that-(y/n)."

I turned around and looked into Fangtoms eyes. I lowered my head and laid down. My ears pricked waiting for a scream to come, but it didn't. Instead a hand started scratching behind my ear and Fangtom said, "Why didn't-you tell usss?"

"I didn't want to tell you because I thought you would freak out like everyone else. I didn't want to loose you like how I lost my first friend." I said through mind link.

"You know that-your talking to-a sssserpentine General that hasss-been feared by humansss. People were-afraid of ussss. And now they-aren't afraid of usss."

"You got a point but I was called a freak and a monster. I have to keep my identity a secret or I will have to move again."

"But the people-here in (t/n) (town name)-are not like-other people. They invited usss to-ssstay with them. And they gave usss-a place to ssstay."

"Yeah but what if they become scared of me. Then I would have to leave."

"Not if we-can help it."

I thought for a moment and said, "Okay I will try to believe you." I smiled at him and licked his hand. "There wasss another reason-why we asssked you out..."

"What was that reason?" He pulled out a (f/c) (f/f) (favorite flower) and tucked it behind my ear. "We were wanting to sssee-if you would like to be- our girlfriend."

I happily jumped onto him and said, "Yes yes yes yes." Fangtom looked up at me smiling and stood up. "And I can't change back because then you would see me naked."

His scales turned redder. I chuckled at him and followed him back to the picnic. He yawned and I knew that he was sleepy. I walked over to him and took him to the car.

He thanked me and started to drive off. I chased after him and followed him till I knew where I was. I started running towards home howling in delight.

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