New Enemy

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To me this will feel like a short chapter. But it will be worth it.
Your p.o.v
I was around Ouroboros smiling as I talked to all the Hypnobrai members. They helped showing me around when I got lost. So far I have made a lot of new friends. But my happiness was soon taken away.

A girl Hypnobrai pinned me to the wall with anger in her eyes. "You better stay away from my Skales." she said. "I'm sorry but Skales isn't yours cause you aren't dating him." "So! He doesn't deserve a disgusting thing like you. Your just a ugly human."

She then let go of me and walked away angrily. I glared at the back of her head knowing she is going to be hard to ignore. She must be blind. How could she not see my tail and ears?

Your p.o.v
I jogged through Ouroboros with a smile on my face greeting any serpentine that passed by. They so far have been kind enough to show me around. As I jogged around a corner I felt a tight grip on my right arm.

I was pulled into a dark room and the door closed behind me. Whne the lights turned on I realized that I was in a big closet with a Constrictai female. She glared at me and pinned me against the wall.

"You better stay away from my boyfriend Skalidor. Or bad things will happen." I glared at her saying, "I'm sorry to tell you this, but Skalidor is my boyfriend. Not yours." "You know he wouldn't want a filthy low-life creature like you." "If he didn't then why did he ask me to date him and be his girlfriend."

She hissed before saying, "Well you probably did something to him.  So stay away from him." With that said she walked out of the room like nothing happened. I left the room soon after thinking, That jerk doesn't know who she is messing with.

Your p.o.v
I skipped through Ouroboros talking to any serpentine that passed me. They all seemed to like me so I thought nobody would be rude to me. As I made my way through the halls 2 pair's I arms grabbed me and pulled me into a dimly lit hallway.

I opened my eyes to see two Fangpyre female's glaring at me. "You need to stay away from our boyfriends." "Yeah cause he knows we are better than you." I looked at them then smirked saying, "Then why aren't you two dating him? Maybe he thinks I'm better than you."

They glared harder at me as I laughed on the inside. "You know he wants usss." "And you know that he doessn't love you." After that they let me go and left the hallway chatting like nothing happened. I wonder what the will think when Fangtom tells them that he loves me.

Your p.o.v
I walked through the halls exploring my new home. So far everyone has been nice to me and helped me look around. All the things I have seen so far brings up more interests.

As I was about to turn a hallway leading to my room I was grabbed by the throat and pulled into a room. When I opened my eyes I noticed a Venomarai female glare at me. I stopped smiling when she said, "You need to stay away from Acidicus. You know he lovesss me."

"No he doesn't love you he loves me." "Well he shouldn't be with you and you know it." "How would I if me and him feel the same way about each other." "Well he isss mine. And mine only."

She glared at me before she exited the room. I followed after her and glared at the back of her hood. That jerk better not try anything with Acidicus.

Your p.o.v
I walked around Ouroboros happy to meet new people. All the serpentine have been nice to me so far. I felt like I didn't have anything to worry about....until I went outside. As I walked outside to explore someone dragged me into a corner.

I opened my eyes to see a female Constrictai. She glared at me saying, "You better ssstay away from my future mate." "Why should I when he is my boyfriend." She glared harder at me if that was possible.

"Well he was sssupposed to be my mate until you filthy dog showed up." I growled at her,"At least I'm not a filthy begger like you." She hissed at me saying, "Ssstay away from my mate." I watched as she left the corner furious thinking, no it's going to be you who need to stay away from my boyfriend.

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