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"How do you suppose we find him?" Fletcher asked the million dollar question, causing Michael to give him a lazy smile.

"When sightings of Giovanni became more and more frequent the past few years I decided to dig into it. Unbeknownst to the other packs in the region, I searched for Giovanni for decades and I think I have finally found a pattern in his reported sightings from my men," Michael stood from the table, pulling a flattened map from his back pocket and laid it out onto the table. There were red pen marks that scattered the paper, circles and dotted lines connected them with small notes written in black by every circled city. My eyes stopped on one of the city names, Greenwood.

"He seems to hover around hunting villages, he stayed in the Greenwood area for a while but he left it about five or some odd years ago. Then he was seen upstate not far from the Tenebris Lupus pack grounds where he lingered until he disappeared. Some of my men claim they spotted him in Florida, Washington, Texas, and Oregon-"

"The majority of the cities circled on this map we passed through when we were looking for Bambi," Fletcher interrupted Michael, tracing his finger along every red route.

"The places he spent the most time were Greenwood, a small factory town in Oregon, and in the valley that separates Tenebris Lupus and Midnight.  It's surprising that Alpha Niall never came across him," Michael chuckled to himself, but I was still shocked at the obvious links in the cities and states my father had been supposedly spotted.

"You guys can choose to do whatever with the information presented, I'll be more than happy to provide some provisions for when you guys leave. I have no issues keeping some of your party here while you look for Giovanni. I'm gonna let you two discuss this," and with that, Michael left the two of us. Fletcher and I's eyes met as he awkwardly coughed.

"This is actually pretty amazing, it's like he's been watching over us this whole time," I let a small smile appear, wondering if I was assuming too much. Maybe we weren't abandoned, maybe he was there the whole time and we just didn't know it.

"It could all be a coincidence too, don't get your hopes up too quick. He had plenty of opportunities to reveal himself when we needed him and he didn't," Fletcher's eyes were furrowed as a deep frown crept upon his face.

"There are too many parallels here to say that this is all 'coincidence'. Do you honestly think he wasn't in every single one of these cities because we were there at some point? It just adds up!" I exclaimed, my hands thrown into the air as I gave him a look in disbelief.

"Even if you are right, what makes you think you will be successful in finding him now? He obviously doesn't want to be discovered so why would you have a sudden stroke of luck?" now lifting himself from his seat at the table, his voice raised as he paced around the room.

"Because we're desperate Fletcher. Desperation can make fucking miracles happen," the deep contempt Fletcher seemed to have against our father had my mind flipping backwards, forwards, and back again. Why wasn't he as excited as me about finding Giovanni?

Ask him, Callista spoke, and for once, and didn't hesitate at her advice.

"What's got you so angry and bent about this? You were all for it less than three minutes ago."

"He was lingering around us this entire time, does that not anger you? Does it not make you want to keep pretending he's dead so you don't have to hear his bullshit excuse as to why he left us? Why you went through all that fighting and we discovered this monumental family secret on our own that if we hadn't been smart, or-or careful enough, to conceal it we would've been killed?" he spat, slamming his hands on the table. Leaning down so that he was at eye level with me, his face inched closer and closer to mine with every word.

Truth (BWWM)(Book #2 of the Falcone Series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें