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"Why did she shut down? I don't understand," Ender was stressed, he didn't want to leave Bambi to wake up by herself this morning, but I had to explain to him why he needs to give her space, especially when she wakes up.

Ender, Tua, Araj, and I were all sitting in the dining room at a large table that could seat twenty people; breakfast was laid out in front of us as we waited for the women and children to return from the Midnight Pack.

"This has happened before, she used to have panic attacks a lot when she was still hunting. She had a mission where she had to seduce a vamp and have him killed but he had the upper hand on us based on a miscalculation made by some idiot who didn't tell Bambi that when alone with the vampire, she needed to keep him at an arm's length.

This vampire in particular, Bruno, was notorious for raping humans and other supernatural creatures and was a menace to the area he was in, Atlanta. Long story short, he almost go to her and turned her. She's been wary of most vampires since but I thought her attacks were over," I described to him, his facial expressions ranging from anger, to sympathy, to confusion.

"But why doesn't she get like that around Columbus and his coven? What makes them special enough that she's comfortable around them?" he asked, a hint of irritation etched on his face.

Someone's jealous Darius sang, and I can't help but to agree.

"Well when she first met us she did have a panic attack, but since I have an affinity to change one's emotions, I calmed her down to the point where she grew comfortable enough around us that I wouldn't have to forcibly chill her out," a voice called out from the foyer, walking in to reveal a short pale girl with long black hair and thin eyes.

"Judith." Ender acknowledged her before turning away from her.

"I didn't realize her problem was that deep rooted," she added, taking a seat across from me as two men and another female came in behind her. I immediately knew they were vamps too.

"Now what the hell happened to Sheamus?" Judith asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she crossed her arms.

"I think a better question would be where the hell are Davey, Lip, and Leif?" Tua scowled as she stared daggers at the open doorway as if she expected them to walk in at the mentioning of their names.

"I found Sheamus's dead body and told Bambi first, and she cut herself and bled into his mouth to see if it would bring him back because of his vampire side. She didn't know he was gonna wake up and attach himself to her and try to kill her," Araj spelled out for Judith, her coven members' eyes widening in response.

"Let's talk about something else, like how we are to retaliate in this situation," the wolf whom I learned was named Greg spoke up as he and his mate settled at the table.

"The Alpha has already discussed breaking ties with the Gait and Black Blood packs for denying our people refuge in their lands and he also plans on finding those humans and killing every one of them," Eva, Greg's mate, brought forward as Ender let out a sigh of frustration.

"We need to get out of here. It's not safe for Bambi to be here, I think our best bet is staying with the Midnight Pack for a while," Ender said with a pained expression, his voice low as he rubbed his chin. He looked conflicted.

Protect his mate or protect his pack, Ender chose his mate Darius whispered, a hint of admiration in his tone.

"I already know what she's gonna say, 'I'm not going to abandon my pack in its time of need, I will help our people rebuild from the ground up!'" Ender chuckled lightly before adding, "She was definitely born with the heart of a Luna."

Truth (BWWM)(Book #2 of the Falcone Series)Where stories live. Discover now