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The sound of howling pain flew into my ears as my eyes flung open. The bellow was deep and hysteric, and my eyes found the source of the screaming creature.

Uncle Brian.

"What the hell," I yelled, lifting my body off of the ground to see everyone surrounding Uncle Brian and trying to calm him down. His body seemed to crumple and fold into itself, and the sweat on his face glistened against the fading sunlight. His guttural groans caused my own soul to suffer, why was his body acting the way it was?

"What did you teach him?!" Aunt Ant screamed, her hands covering her face as she looked from her son to Uncle Brian. It was then that I realized what was happening.

"How do I stop him?" I tried to channel Fae, I know that she would have some idea as to how to get the boy to stop.

Let your eyes take the boy in, what do you see?

"I see that I need to hurry up and save my uncle before he goes into shock from the pain and dies!"

Look closer, you see his anger, yes? she asked me, but of course I could see that Dom was upset. That's the sole reason he was hurting Uncle Brian. But why?

No no, focus your eyes on his aura. The pivot of his anger is excessive, to the extent that you can see it pour out of him she instructed me, but it was impossible to keep my concentration on Dom when Brian's screams filled my ears.

Then, I heard nothing. There was no screaming, no breathing, no hysterics sounding. Before I could question it, I used the moment to allow my gaze to burn into Domincio. His teeth were clenched as one of his hands rested at his side, his fist drawing blood from his nails digging into the palm of his hand. He was half shifted half human, his ears still pointed and his green loin cloth covering his body. There was a tree root wrapped around his waist that seemed to grow and tighten the longer he channeled his anger into Uncle Brian. A black mist instantly hovered around his body. I could see the substance clouding around his hand and traveling to Brian, who was covered in a blanket of it as his body jerked. The aura itself had very violent and jagged edges, threatening to impale anyone who came too close as it moved sporadically.

Wave your hand Fae commanded me, and when I did, the blackness around Domincio faded away as he slumped to the ground. As my eyes focused again and my ears seemed to catch the small noises around me, Brian's heavy huffs of breath and pants sounded through the quiet clearing.

"Y'all take Dom to the house. Michael could you please contact the pack's physician to examine my uncle. Just to make sure nothing internally happened to him?" I asked, turning my head to see Michael give me a sad smile.

"No problem. C'mon Fletcher, help me lift your uncle please so we can take him to the cabin," Michael asked (but it was more of a command) Fletcher, and he moved wordlessly to Brian's side as he lifted Brian's legs and Michael lifted Brian's upper body.

Tua and Jude were already moving Dom's body before Aunt Ant made her way over to me.

"How'd you do that?"

"I don't know, I did what she told me to do, that's all," I answered, giving her an annoyed look as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Why didn't you stop your child from almost killing his father?"

"When faeries like him experience an emotion on an extreme level like that and have harmful intentions, anyone who gets in the way or touches them will feel the same pain. I didn't want to try and calm him simply because he doesn't know the extent of his own power which means he could've killed me for trying to keep him from doing what he believed to be right," she explained, but I couldn't place my finger on something.

Truth (BWWM)(Book #2 of the Falcone Series)Where stories live. Discover now