
I collapse on my bed, exhausted. A day out with the family has never been so... Awful. The zoo was awful, the car journey was awful and the beach was awful. My parents rambled and embarrassed me, and Charlotte didn't know whether she wanted to take my side on things or my parents. 

Only then do I realise how much I want, and need, Jamie. He's the only form of entertainment I have on this holiday - apart from my bike.

I think back to the monkeys and cringe. My dad did his impression again, loudly this time. Everyone - including a few cute boys - stared at us. I died inside.

Charlotte bursts through the door and begins to change without saying a word. She picks out a royal blue dress and white sandals. Fancy.

"Where are you going?" I inquire.

"We're going out for dinner, wanna come?"

"I certainly do not," I say, cringing at the thought of being seen with my family in the campsite. At least at the zoo nobody knew me, but here they (kind of) do.

Charlotte doesn't react to my comment, and continues to change. When she's done she leaves and I hear the front door shut. That was nice of them to tell me that they were leaving.

The silence eats me alive. I just realise I have nothing to do. I fiddle with my bed sheets. The thin material doesn't provide much entertainment. I remember my note, and realise that Jamie will be coming tonight. So I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Eventually I fall asleep. I lie curled up ontop of my covers, forgetting to even take my clothes off.

Jamie doesn't show.


I wake up the next morning, the sun bright in my eyes because the curtains weren't closed. Surprisingly, I'm disappointed by how well rested I am. I want to be tired. I want to be tired because I wanted to be out with Jamie all night. 

I sigh and pull myself out of bed. Despite the light, it's only 7am. Charlotte is asleep, and by the silence in the caravan, I assume everyone else is too. I put on what I feel like wearing for the day (Dr Martens, tie dye shorts and a band t-shirt) and slip out the front door. 

The air is cool, for Spain anyway. I get on my bike (did you guess?) and begin to cycle. I miss cycling so much, especially early morning ones. The campsite is almost empty. There's a few early risers like me, but that's pretty much it.

I leave the campsite, remembering to bring my pass that will let me back in. I cycle up the long hill that brings me into town. There's a lot more activity there but it's still pretty empty. The town isn't very interesting itself, just with a few cafes and a fruit shop or two. It's not until I discover the market that I get excited.

The market is filled with people, even though it's early. There's fruit stands, sweet stands, clothes stands and even face painting stands. I fall in love with the place as soon as I see it. I leave my bike in a hedge so it won't get stolen and explore.

About half an hour later, I feel a bump against my hip as I flick through the scarves on a stand. I turn around and Jamie's standing beside me.

"Are you stalking me or what?" I ask him - not like I minded.

He smirks. "Something like that,"

"You're odd,"

"How so?"

"Well you leave me a note saying you'll visit that night and you don't."

"I never said that,"

"You did,"

"I said you'd better be ready, I didn't say when you should be ready for."

"You're odd," I repeat, rolling my eyes.

"How odd?"

"Very odd,"

"Too odd for you to come with me now?"

I pause, "No, you're not that odd."

"I thought so," he says before taking my arm and leading me out of the market.


apologies for this chapter, I realise it's pretty shit. I just needed a filler. Since this is a short story things will be rushed a bit, just putting that out there. But I didn't want them to be too rushed, so I added this chapter in. I promise the next chapter will be good! I'm looking foward to writing it!

So um yeah vote and stuff, and I promise the next chapter will be better!


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